
A new statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on the latest events in the court proceedings before the Göttingen Regional Court and on current world events. 🌎💡📮💬📣

But first:

LegeNet, 6/17/24 1:40 PM UTC
Forwarded from Wε αrε Grεεκ - what‘s your Superpower ?, 6/11/24 7:09 PM UTC


Newsflash on the 16th day of proceedings in the Reiner Füllmich case at Göttingen Regional Court on June 10, 2024

Life jacket

Today's 16th day of proceedings in the Reiner Füllmich case at Göttingen Regional Court has so far been characterized by a large contingent of police and security forces and precautions.

During Reiner Füllmich's transport from the prison to the court building, which was accompanied by armed security officers and escorted by several large vehicles, he was also shackled.

According to the defense, a bulletproof vest was also discussed.
We can only speculate as to why this happened and why the large contingent was deployed at Göttingen District Court.

The trial began with the defense reading out a 15-page motion of bias against, correction: the presiding judge (not as originally written: “the chamber”).

This was followed by motions for evidence by lawyer Dr. Christof Miseré and a statement of his own which he read out. We will see how things develop after the lunch break.

The auditorium is full and interest is high. If further information is available from the courtroom, we will use it and share it with you.

The motion to recuse the defense lawyer Katja Wörmer will be made available to us for publication, as well as the other attachments.


LegeNet, 6/17/24 1:40 PM UTC
Forwarded from Wε αrε Grεεκ - what‘s your Superpower ?, 6/11/24 7:14 PM UTC


On the 16th day of proceedings in the Reiner Füllmich case at Göttingen Regional Court on June 10, 2024

Will to live

After the lunch break on the 16th day of the trial in the case of Dr. Reiner Füllmich before the Göttingen Regional Court, the motions to extend the deadline for the motions for evidence were initially rejected with reservations.

Lawyer Katja Wörmer had requested a short break due to illness and had to leave the session after the lunch break.

No further motions or statements were then made by the defense.

Dr. Reiner Füllmich filed a motion for clarification on the background of the increased and massive security precautions for today's trial, including transport under supervision, officers armed with machine guns and additional ankle cuffs, plus the mention that a bulletproof vest might also have to be considered for a possible exchange of fire.
He expects the chamber to answer his questions and he also expressly stated that he was not suicidal.

The next day of the hearing will take place - subject to reservation - on 12.06.2024.


LegeNet, 6/17/24 1:40 PM UTC
Forwarded from Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺, 6/16/24 6:57 PM UTC

[ Video ]
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  Duration: 00:12:09.49, 1280x720
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A new statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on the latest events in the court proceedings before the Göttingen Regional Court and on current world events. 🌎💡📮💬📣




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