To Referral response memorandum Covid-19-law Record number: S2020/09214 Peoples state Kingdom of Sweden, through Monarchy State Sweden, within the jurisdiction of Love Order of Godland 2020-12-22 Please confirm diary keeping with return email! Me and the mine are not joined with you in your new law even if the rest of you are. If the rest of you still want your new law, it must therefore be clear in it that it does not apply to us who choose to stand outside it and who have never agreed to it and who do not agree to it. This so that the practitioners of the law do not inadvertently exercise it on us who are outside it. The above is sufficient for me and the mine not to have to join your new law, but for your information it can be mentioned that I do not believe that there is any basis for such a law as I have not seen any credible evidence for this. The persistent terror propaganda is not proof. It can also be mentioned that it is an established right not to allow oneself to be imposed any law before it has been accepted, cf. ur Kungl. Maj:ts and Riksens Cancellie Collegii Preface to the Law that before 1987 was printed in Norstedt's edition of Kingdom of Sweden's Law (original: Sverige Rikes Lag), (translators note, the following is from very old Swedish, a language that has changed much more than ever English has, and I cannot do it justice in English) "The Almighty God and his holy wills natural knowing is all humans in their heart so deeply engraved, that no people yet is found, that without God and law confess given; though more all have based their coexistence and coziness on worship and law unanimously founded. Although the peoples deviated from the true meaning of the original founder; however, the establishments found with them certify that they have been convinced of the inevitability of both. /.../ ... the assertion of the right belonging to all free countries, not to allow any new law to be imposed, until it has first been scrutinized and adopted by the inhabitants, which the high office of the government it is then incumbent upon to generally decree and to observance and compliance each oblige; the pious for protection, and the perverse for affliction." (Original: "Den allsvåldiga Gudens och han heliga viljas naturliga kännedom är alla människor i hjärtat så djupt inskriven, att intet folk ännu är funnet, som sig utan Gud och lag bekänna gittat; fast mera hava alle sin sammanlevnad och trevnad på gudstjänst och lag enhälligt grundat. Ehuru folkslagen ifrån urstiftarens rätta mening sedermera avvikit; intyga dock de hos dem funne inrättningar, att de om bägges oundgänglighet varit övertygade. /.../ ...hävden av den alla fria länder tillhörande rättigheten, att ej låta påtruga sig någon ny lag, innan den först av inbyggarna är vorden skärskådad och antagen, vilken överhetens höga ämbete sedan tillkommer allmänneligen att påbjuda samt till rättelse och efterlevnad var och en förplikta; de fromma till skydd, och de vrångvisa till späkt.") Respectfully Leif Erlingsson Peoples state Kingdom of Sweden, through Monarchy State Sweden, within the jurisdiction of Love Order of Godland 2020-12-22