Another Undeclared War?
 By Patrick J. Buchanan
Is the United States about to launch a second preemptive war, against a nation that has not attacked us, to deprive it of weapons of mass destruction that it does not have? Continued

2002 Memo Doubted Uranium Sale Claim


A high-level intelligence assessment by the Bush administration concluded in early 2002 that the sale of uranium from Niger to Iraq was "unlikely" because of a host of economic, diplomatic and logistical obstacles, according to a secret memo that was recently declassified by the State Department. Continued

US Franchised Torture Refuses To Go Away

By Gajendra Singh 

It is not the divine right of Christian West to subjugate and rule the Middle East, Africa or Asia through the power of its guns.  The Iraqi resistance to U.S.-led occupation from the very beginning has made it clear that the era of colonization is over. Continued

Nearly 50 Killed in Latest Wave of Attacks: In the town of Nibaei in northern Iraq, police found the bodies of 25 people who had been shot in the back of their heads, a police spokesman there said in an interview

Female detainees set free in Iraq : The group holding US journalist Jill Carroll has said she will die unless all Iraqi women prisoners are freed.

Surface-to-Air Missile Downed U.S. Chopper in Iraq: It's a troubling new development because there are hundreds — and by some estimates thousands — of SA-7 missiles that are unaccounted for in Iraq.

US helicopters in Iraq face menace of 'aerial bombs': The new home-made weapons, known to the Americans as "aerial improvised explosive devices" have been used on numerous occasions.

Official US agency paints dire picture of 'out-of-control' Iraq : Account belies picture painted by White House

Scott Ritter: The Military Recruiter's Lament: As recruiters struggle to overcome the national aversion to military service that has gripped the country, their superiors wrestle to pin down the underlying reasons behind this failure of the American people to heed the call of the trumpet. 

Iran scorns EU trio's draft nuclear resolution: European powers began circulating a draft resolution on Wednesday that asks the U.N. nuclear watchdog to report Iran to the Security Council, drawing a scornful response from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

China, Russia would fight Iran oil sanctions: experts: U.N. Security Council heavyweights China and Russia have too much riding on Iran's energy sector to let the West slap sanctions on Tehran to punish its nuclear ambitions, experts say.

Moscow Will Not Follow West’s Cue on Iran: Moscow has signaled a change in its stance toward Tehran. In recent days, officials including Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov have indicated they would not block a Security Council referral, although they would likely still oppose sanctions

The west has picked a fight with Iran that it cannot win : Iran is a serious country, not another two-bit post-imperial rogue waiting to be slapped about the head by a white man. It is the fourth largest oil producer in the world. Its population is heading towards 80 million by 2010. Its capital, Tehran, is a mighty metropolis half as big again as London.

Noam Chomsky : Iran would be “crazy” not to develop nuclear weapons. : U.S., Israel pushing Iran on nukes

India, Iran and the nuclear challenge : Siding again with the U.S. and its allies in their illegal pressure on Iran will weaken India's hand on the civil nuclear cooperation and energy fronts

Hamas support grows after Israelis shoot militant leader :"People will show solidarity with the martyrs and the organisation they belong to."

Snatch squad quells protest over Jewish evictions: After days of skirmishes in Hebron, which saw teenage settlers vandalising Palestinian property in the town and hurling rocks at the Israeli police, the local media had talked of an "Israeli intifada".

Leading candidates for high post in House are both strong on Israel : Tom DeLay’s Jewish friends — and enemies — can expect the same friendliness to Israel and affection for faith-based funding from whomever replaces him as majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Taliban say 'hundreds' of suicide attackers ready: A Taliban commander said on Tuesday hundreds of his guerrillas were ready to launch suicide attacks across Afghanistan to drive out foreign forces.

U.S. envoy: Be ready for Taliban violence: The British-led military force that will move soon into southern Afghanistan must be ready to fight militant Taliban insurgents, the U.S. envoy to NATO warned.

US refuses to hand over 4 marines charged with rape : Philippine judge last week issued arrest warrants for the marines, held in custody by the U.S. embassy, in a bid to pressure Washington to hand them over.

Australia: PM knew of wheat deal: Labor: SENIOR Howard government ministers must offer themselves as witnesses at the AWB inquiry as evidence mounts that they ignored its illicit payments to Saddam Hussein's regime, Labor says.

White House Silent on Abramoff Meetings : Abramoff had "a few staff-level meetings" at the Bush White House, presidential spokesman Scott McClellan said Tuesday. But he would not say with whom Abramoff met, which interests he was representing or how he got access to the White House

Democrats and Other False Friends: "George Bush would be in severe political trouble if there were an opposition political party in the country.

Paul Craig Roberts: Gore Is Right: Former vice president Al Gore gave what I believe to be the most important political speech in my lifetime, and the New York Times, "the newspaper of record," did not report it. Not even excerpts.

Gore responds to White House 'hypocrisy' comments: "There are two problems with the Attorney General's effort to focus attention on the past instead of the present Administration's behavior."

Corruption Digest : Here is your briefing on how America's political system is being sold to the highest bidders.

Newspapers Across the Country Oppose Alito Nomination: Urge Senate to Stop his Nomination to the Supreme Court

Buffett: U.S. Trade Deficit Is a Threat: The U.S. trade deficit is a bigger threat to the domestic economy than either the federal budget deficit or consumer debt and could lead to "political turmoil," billionaire investor Warren Buffett warned.

Supreme Court backs Oregon assisted suicide law: In a 6-3 vote, justices ruled that a federal drug law could not be used to prosecute Oregon doctors who prescribed overdoses intended to facilitate the deaths of terminally ill patients.