LegeNet, 8/7/23 10:12 AM UTC

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Tore Maras aka. ToreSays®+When they falsify things and they say false things they can't really be held accountable.
15 seconds.

03:20:18.00 - 03:20:33.00 / 12018.00 - 12033.00 s out of  https://t.me/realLegeNet/50937  (or  https://t.me/realLegeNet/50903 ),  Tore Says with Aussies - Guru Caz and James 5 August 2023

  Duration: 00:00:15.25, 640x360
Transcoded Size:   203 KiB /  207 001 bytes

Now think about why this is correct.  If the optic "authority" is signaling again and again that it is not a legitimate authority, who is responsible if they still insist on acting as if the fake "authority" was real?  Does not the responsibility fall back on the individual, 18 U.S. Code § 3 — Accessory after the fact, when it is clearly signaled that there is no legitimate government?  clif @clif_high   2:14 AM · Feb 28, 2023 UTC:  "It's coming fairly soon.  Some  are stupid enough to try to run & hide."

Continues below.

LegeNet, 8/7/23 10:12 AM UTC

According to Derek Johnson, from 2017 to 2021, President Trump gave the evil players and media a chance to tell the truth, step across the “line” (optic), and their punishments would be lesser according to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and U.S. Codes (U.S. Law) for the Crimes Against Humanity, Treason, and Frauds committed and to be punished at the Military Tribunals but that everything from November 3, 2020, are all optics.

Blue clad Pirates with badges are not operating under The Constitution and when The Constitution soon will again be applied in Courts of Law, they better be aware of their liabilities under 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights.  Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

Same applies in every nation where "officers" and their co-conspirators (think public prosecutors, municipal courts, etc.) are acting under color of law but where there is no actual valid authority, there is only crime syndicates / private war lords of different sizes.  That we must deal with as one always have to deal with criminal organizations.  When they act as if they are "the government" one may need to take in military force to subdue the insurgency that are unlawfully occupying our nations (also called a belligerent occupation, see DoD Law of War Manual,  Resources:  http://blog.lege.net/?/435-Together,-we-are-the-Counterinsurgency.html .  This belligerent occupation or insurgency had to be broken, which is/was not easy given how entrenched it is.  http://blog.lege.net/?/456-Had-to-be-broken.html

LegeNet, 8/7/23 10:12 AM UTC

Swedish readers will want to refer to  http://blog.lege.net/?/452-Utan-omsorg,-undergang.html  for the Swedish equivalents to  18 U.S. Code.
