"This is what has the military concerned.  Even the 'white hats' are now behind the curve.  They find that they are having to address the Elohim in the religion issue with the christian nationalist community that they are trying to cultivate and herd to a successful restoration of the constitutional republic in a counter-insurgency strategy against the [EWC] and its communist-woke-mind-slaves.  The millitary is afraid that the Elohim discussion will weaken christian nationalist unity and thus threaten their activity.  They also (the white hats) believe it is premature, and that the Elohim don't present a problem for perhaps 20+ years."

clif 💎 @clif_high   3:55 PM · Dec 11, 2023 UTC

So  #educatingJeff :

@berwickjeff is a canadian.  'Nuf said.  It means he is product of CANUK schools, therefore is ignorant as a tree wart.
We can help educate Jeff.
He is curious about the Cult of Elohim Worship, aka =the jews.

If you read the Torah, aka the 'jewish bible', you discover that all of judaism is based on the experience of the tribal ancestors of the judeans.  These tribes were conquered by space aliens who called themselves "EL".  There were many of them.  The tribes pluralized the word in hebrew to be "ELOHIM", meaning "many El".  The invading space aliens were hugely abusive to the tribes.  They turned these tribes into their slaves.  They made them into a nation of brutal war mongers, their proxy state among humans, who, aided by ELOHIM technology, were able to take over the area we now call the Middle East.

The Elohim were abusive in the extreme.  The El had many addictions.  Both of these traits are recorded in the Torah, and the deliberately badly translated, Christian bible.  All the stories of 'sacrificing your first born' are quite real, and just the very edge of the reality that occurred to the people of the tribes, that became the nation of "Is ra EL".

The Jews were not chosen by the creator god of universe.  They were selected by the Elohim, invading space aliens.  The Space Aliens made effort to hide their presence in human affairs at the time they were ruling the jews.  The jews were their proxy down here on earth.  They tried to disguise that fact.  This obscuring aspect, along with many other traits of the Elohim presence are inculcated in Jewish culture.  Now note that ALL of Jewish culture is entirely a result of the Stockholm Syndrome that affected the tribal ancestors of today's jews.  They were abused so hard, and for so long, that they developed the condition of 'abuser love' to an extreme, making their abusers into gods.

At the core of Judaism, they do everything they possibly can to hide this from Jeff.  They don't let jews use the real name of their gods.  They obscure the actual writings in the Torah, and Talmud (2 versions of this, but it is the "law" of the jews…the oral traditions & commentary on them". 

Jews are supposed to use the name "Adonai" for their chief god of their pantheon (they are pantheistic, not monotheistic = this is a lie to obscure the cult of Elohim worship hidden in modern judaism).  The stated reason in discussions is to prevent the 'goyhim' = 'many meat animals or cattle' = 'jeff & his buddies" from fouling the name of the head Elohim by their use of it.  It's really "El Elyon", who is the head of the Elohim. 

Much of the whole of the Talmud is discussion and commentary on aspects of surviving being around the Elohim, and also how to disguise this from the cattle=goy= Jeff.  The Talmud is 63 books.  There is one translation into English in physical form that you can locate with some trouble, but many on-line versions.  HOWEVER, you must compare on-line versions as many have been edited to remove direct references to the ELohim and the 'rules' that the Elohim laid down to their jews for when they conquered 'goyim'.

Fundamentally, the Elohim have imposed the modern nation state structure on humanity for thousands of years.  This is the fundamental reason that the jews are able to dominate organizations.  Yes, the Elohim invented & imposed the Babylonian money scheme, but even before that, it is the base organization of a hierarchical structure that we suffer from them.

So IMO jews, as a group, break out into the following arrangement:

Normal (believing the lies = monotheism et al but not really into it)
Observant (believing the lies = monotheism et al, and doing all the rituals & majic as though it really was the creator god that chose the jews & imposed all these goofy rules on them)
Trained (the rabbi class knows about the Elohim.  Various levels of personal interpretation or integration of the information.  They won't talk about the Elohim as space aliens unless you push on them & trigger them as they are explicitly told to NOT talk to the goyim about this.)
Rabbinical officialdom: real pains in the ass.  Enforcers of thought  on all the other Jews.  Hate the goyim & have to do ablutions after debating with you.
Elohim lovers.  = the core…the KM, the very base of what has come from Jacob.

Jeff: note that if you read the Talmud, as it says directly in there, any jew is allowed to kill you for defiling their book of Laws by reading it as you are a goi.  The jew who kills you is specifically instructed to also kill your children as crimes like this run in families.  And they are only killing a goi so it is not murder.

To be continued.

clif 💎 @clif_high   Last edited 4:31 PM · Dec 11, 2023 UTC


The 'mind virus', of which @elonmusk complains as being so deadly to humanity, comes directly from the Elohim Worship cult.  As does socialism, communism, et al.  These were all creations of the jews as aspects of gaming the organizational structure imposed on humans by the Elohim.

The Elohim were also in Europe, Asia, and meso-America.  Mexico is littered with the signs of them. 

The 'mind-virus' is transmitted by words.  The redefinition of words is a specific tactic referenced repeatedly within the Talmud, both the Mishna, and the Babylonian versions (they differ slightly due to when they were formalized).  The use of 'mind-virus' is a tactic explicitly endorsed by the Elohim for their slaves to use to control the conquered nations. 

The Elohim wanted their slaves to conquer humans as the Elohim consume humans.  They gave the word 'goi' to the jews.  This means 'meat animal', nothing else, though modern jews will be saying no, it means 'people, or nations'.  They are either deluded or trying to delude you when they say that.  The Elohim drink human blood, and crave the oxidized adrenaline that comes from torturing their victims before they kill them and consume the abdominal fats where this chemical ends up.  They do eat humans.  We are their 'herds', and we are their 'meat animals'.  These are the 'gods' of the jews. 

Much of the power of the jews is through obscuring and redefining of language.  They have much power b/c the christians think that they, the jews, are praying to the same god, basically, as the christians.  The christians are seriously deluded about this.  Deliberately deluded. 

Their other source of power is being at the root of the Babylonian money system imposed by the Elohim.  Again, everything possible is done to prevent the goyim, their victims, from examining these relationships, and how they came about. 

IMO the KEY vulnerability of my enemy, the Elohim Worship Cult, is that they use being hidden as their primary tactic.  They (especially the rabbinical class who are really freaked out about this current move to 'real language' about the Elohim) cannot stand exposure.  That's why they use 'antisemitic' and 'conspiracy theorist' as pejoratives to control public discourse. 

What is the effect on all jewish claims of being 'divinely chosen', if we say, nope, weren't no god, it were space aliens….just sayin.


clif 💎 @clif_high   5:18 PM · Dec 11, 2023 UTC


Our current purple-haired mind-virus problems are entirely engineered. 

The Elohim Worship Cult has many problems.  Several big ones.  They thought to address these problems by unleashing the mind-virus on Western civilization. 

They were close to complete take over as envisioned by the mother WEFfers.  This level of control is basically forced on the Elohim Worship Cult [EWC] as they have 1) a mandate from the Elohim to control/enslave humanity; B) knowledge that the Elohim are still within the solar system; III) they have a promise from El Elyon that the Elohim are coming back. 

Note that IMO the Elohim have never left.  There are observation points of theirs here on earth & our Moon.  Without regard to my opinion, the [EWC] believes the return is imminent.  Thus the shifts from their 300 year plan, to the Agenda 2051 (the original title), then Agenda 2030.  And now, their focus on 2027.  They are feeling pressures.  Obvious.  The cause of the pressures may be debated, but that they exist is demonstrated by the WEF as our indicator for what's going on in the [EWC].

The core structure of the Elohim, hierarchical, and imposed on the minds of the [EWC], has a tendency to blind them to non-organizational players.  That is, they don't really take the actions of motivated, non connected, not organized, individuals into their planning.  Thus they fuck up a lot. 

The [EWC] does not think themselves exposed.  They think their comms are secure & not monitored.  They have been revealing their concerns, recently, and increasingly, about activities on the Moon.  This concerns the very core leadership of the [EWC] greatly. 

The jews have an organizational structure that replicates the ELohim who had a boss (EL Elyon), who ran a form of representational government where the category of representation was not your location, but which 'interest group' was yours.  This was the 'divine council' referenced in the bible & torah.  This council had individual 'clan/family/nation' representation within their proxy states here on earth.  They would take tribes, join them together, then form raiding parties until they conquered enough other tribes territories to declare themselves nations, but they were always represented to the Elohim by that one, top fellow.  He was the face of the gods to the people.  Thus we have our modern world structure. 

As part of the conquering process, the Talmud & other historical books about the Elohim record that the EL would first soften up the enemy of their proxy group, the jews, by a number of tactics.  These tactics were used repeatedly.  They were not varied.  It was a protocol of take-over. 

One of the primary tactics for use prior to the eruption of the dynamic activity (the invasion & killing part) was the disruption of the language of the victim group.  This was done by infiltration.  This was part of the divide-to-conquer strategy.  It was (and is currently) a very effective tactic of the Elohim.  It works all the damn time.   The infiltrators disrupted the language using specific formula (algos) in public speeches as well as pubs & coffee houses (yes, they existed). 

The current mind-virus besetting @elonmusk is directly taken from the Talmud, both in form, delivery, and intent.  It's nothing new. 

The ELohim Worship Cult have a very low opinion of all people.  They think that only themselves are real humans.  Everyone else, including most who call themselves as 'jews', are just herd animals, owned by them.  Well, tended by them.  Owned by the Elohim. 

The idea of "wolf in sheep's clothing" expresses it all. 

But now the wolves seem to be shitting bricks.  Things were getting pressured, time-wise, by some external force (Elohim coming down to visit?), and they had to rapidly accelerate their plans.  Thus all the fuck ups.  Thus the major exposures.  All of which the decentralized, totally un-organized, army of malcontents is seizing upon at this time. 

i know you are an anarcho-capitalist, and don't like the jewish/Elohim construct called the 'nation state', but hey, nonetheless, welcome to the State of the Malcontent.

clif 💎 @clif_high   7:15 PM · Dec 11, 2023 UTC


#jewcurious? #ewc #elohimworshipcult

The strategy of exposure has been explored with 3 different AI models. 
Two of these are owned by jews and only support the jewish consensus view of things.  You can develop prompt injections that will overcome this.  Tedious though.  ChatAI is one of these.  It's very Woke (victim of the Elohim Worship cult mind-virus). 
The other was a Russian owned LLM AI that you have to train yourself with your own data sets.  This was laborious, but very rewarding.  Way easier to use once trained. 

All three AI models confirm that the Elohim Worship cult has no real defense against the strategy of Exposure.  They have been attacking and killing their enemies who would expose them for over 1000 years.  This has built up a history of behavior that itself now points to them, and only them.  Cumulative actions create a criminal profile that is coming out into general discussion. 

Israel recent behavior does not help.  In fact it seriously aggravates the Elohim worship cult position.  The only reason that the [EWC] allowed it was they need to try to change the status of their exposure by distraction, and were willing to risk the 'good will' that their propaganda had crafted for jews globally. 

Also the [EWC] are feeling more pressed by Off-planet activity.  Their concerns with activity on the Moon, and their fears about the potential for it to trigger a "sudden, near instant, mass awakening in Humanity" have risen to the point that they are discussing their fears/worries daily. 

The Elohim Worship cult are not alone in their discussions of lunar activity and its potential impact on the mass of normal humanity.  This is also being discussed daily in the USA DOD, among many other military centers. 

All of these 'officialdom' centers, whether controlled, in part, or in whole by the [EWC], or free of their influence,  are all, also, very concerned with the recent, now more visible, activity on our Moon.  They are also very concerned about the increased UAP sightings, and other incidents such as near collisions with human aircraft.  They are also concerned with the discovery of vast 'armies' of sensors they have/are finding all around earth.  These are tiny, microscopically small, AI controlled, 'drones' that report back information to someplace, to 'someone' unknown, but they are doing so in the hundreds of millions.  One estimate is that there are tens of trillions of these drones on the planet watching human activity now. 

The USA military is also nearing 'freak out' level on the Elohim disclosure front.  Not addressing any of the issues with the Elohim, but merely concentrating on the impact of the 'reveal of the Elohim' on humans. 

USA military has their thinking dominated by the Brookings Institute documents of the 1960 report to NASA about what to do if they found space alien debris on the moon or elsewhere.  Note the Brookings institute, like all these organizations, is jewish owned, and is controlled by the [EWC].

The Brookings Institute documents concluded that christian americans would have their heads explode, and turn into blood thirsty zombies if the Elohim were revealed to be behind the stories of the bible.  The report was very dire in their descriptions of what would emerge.  The report projected a lot of violence resulting.  USA military still has this view of potentials.

It's too late for their fears now, either the USA military, or the [EWC].  The cats are definitely out of the sack.  It is not possible to suppress the discussion.  It has already started. 

We can expect the [EWC] to be very violent as this unfolds.  They are trained, and clever, but not really very smart.  They are not deep thinkers.  They are frustrated now, and worried that they have instigated the forecast Israeli Mistake.  Their fears are rising.  Their options are decreasing by the day. 

Read a human scripture, and you will see the Elohim looking back at you. 

This is what has the military concerned.  Even the 'white hats' are now behind the curve.  They find that they are having to address the Elohim in the religion issue with the christian nationalist community that they are trying to cultivate and herd to a successful restoration of the constitutional republic in a counter-insurgency strategy against the [EWC] and its communist-woke-mind-slaves.  The millitary is afraid that the Elohim discussion will weaken christian nationalist unity and thus threaten their activity.  They also (the white hats) believe it is premature, and that the Elohim don't present a problem for perhaps 20+ years. 

Well see a lot of this emerge as we push into 2024.