Blir man extremist av att förstå extremister? Om så är så måste vi alla bli extremister, för det vi inte förstår kan vi inte undvika. För vilka är egentligen extremisterna som tjänar på att Israel blir paria i världen? Media nämner kända nationer och grupper. Men skyddar samtidigt de verkliga extremisterna. Den röda sköldens klan. Rothschild-klanen.
Terrorist-pirat-dådet mot hjälparbetarna på internationellt vatten ger mer bevis för att sionismens mål inte är att skydda judar från antisemitism utan tvärtom att skapa antisemitism. Att göra judar till paria i världen utan annat val än att följa sionistiska diktat. Till sist kommer judarna också - åter - att offras för sionistiska mål. Majoriteten judar har ingen del i detta, förutom genom att de åter igen offras för ett mål de inte har en aning om. (Det finns t.o.m. en hel del som talar för att nazisterna på sin tid fördes till makten delvis för att tvinga judarna att upprätta Israel åt Rothschilds &Co.)
Samma extremister (som media skyddar) försökte den 11 september 2008 genom gigantiska elektroniska pengatransaktioner krascha världsekonomin. Ingen annan än den med den verkliga makten skulle ha kunnat göra detta: Ett svinn av 4,6 miljarder per minut under ca 2 timmar. Se vidare "
11 September 2008 - Amerikas Ekonomiska 9/11? - Den obehagliga sanningen", av Mark Glenn, korrespondent, American Free Press Newspaper, översättning Gertie Dahlberg.
Läs gärna även "
Again, Zionists Set Up Jews for Holocaust", Henry Makow, Ph.D., 2010-05-31:
"Israel is the primary source of anti-Semitism in the world today, and jeopardizes the security of all Jews. Proclaiming itself the "Jewish State" but acting as a rogue state, Israel exposes all Jews to revulsion and retribution.
The murder of Gaza peace activists provides more evidence that the actual goal of Zionism is not to protect Jews from anti-Semitism but in fact, is to create anti-Semitism.
The purpose is to make Jews a pariah unto the nations with no choice but to follow Zionist dictates.
Eventually, they will be sacrificed for Zionist goals, as they were in the holocaust. This is because Zionism is a Masonic (Illuminati, cabalist, satanic) secret society intent on building a totalitarian New World Order. The majority of Jews have no part in this, except to be sacrificed again for a cause of which they have no inkling.
Zionists are stripping Israelis and Jews of moral legitimacy so they can be liquidated again without any compunction. And most Israelis and Jews cooperate by supporting Israeli outrages with feeble excuses, blithely indifferent to the possible consequences.
Do the moral arithmetic: In 2006, Israel kills 1400 Lebanese and inflicts $10 billion in damage because 2 soldiers are captured. In 2009-10, Israel kills 1300 Gaza civilians and levels countless buildings because of a few popgun rockets. Now this- killing unarmed international peace activists bringing aid to the beleaguered Gazans.
Israel would never have been created if it were only "a Jewish Homeland." Israel is intended to be the capital of the Rothschild Cabalist World Empire. Ordinary Jews have no role in this except as cannon fodder.
My grandparents died in the holocaust. I blame the Illuminati bankers who brought the Nazis to power. I blame the Zionists for collaborating with the Nazis. I blame the Zionists for preventing European Jews from being rescued. I blame Zionists for stopping aid from reaching ghettos. I blame Zionists for rounding up Jews and sending them to concentration camps. I blame Zionists for sabotaging Jewish resistance.
Israel was not created as result of the holocaust. It was the other way round. The Nazis were brought to power partly to force Jews to set up Israel for the Rothschilds and the Illuminati.
History is full of ironies! The "freedom flotilla" reminds me of the ragtag Haganah ships who ran the British blockade to bring Jewish refugees to Palestine. Now it is deluded young Israelis playing the role of the British.
Before it was Jews who were starving in a ghetto surrounded by Nazis. Now it is Palestinians in a Gaza ghetto surrounded by Jews!
As usual, the Israelis are trying to portray the murder of 20 unarmed peace activists as an act of self defense. Machine gun toting commandos were attacked with sticks!!! One commando got skim milk powder thrown on his clean, freshly pressed uniform!
This is the classic Zionist tactic: despoil and kill and take everything. Then blame the victim for raising a hand in protest. Anti-Semites!!
Of course, the pathetic Zionist-controlled western media takes the Zionist line.
Most Jews are decent, good people. They believe in the Moral Order not the new world order.
Zionists aren't Jews. It's about time more Jews realized it."
Henry Makow avslutar ovan: "De flesta judar är hederliga, goda människor. De tror på den moraliska ordningen och inte på den nya världsordningen. Sionister är inte judar. Det är på tiden att fler judar inser det."
Leif Erlingsson
2010-06-02 18:11