Welcome to all foreign readers. Luogocomune is a news commentary site (all in Italian, thus far) featuring a large, separate section on 9/11.
In a way, the whole website revolves around the idea that unless that
paramount, unacceptable lie called "the 9/11 terrorist attacks" is
removed and put into right perspective, the downward spiral towards
this new "dark age" of humanity will never stop.
To us "9/11
victims" are not only the 3,000 people that perished on that day, but
also some 650,000 civilians killed in Iraq since the invasion began,
100,000 plus Afghans who've met the same fate in their country, more
than 3,000 US soldiers sent by "Dick & Rummy" to die under false
pretense, and --sadly but truly -- the ever increasing number of first
responders who were knowingly sent to their death by an administration
that could be defined "criminal" for this one action alone.
It's for them all that we fight.
Now for some interesting news we wish to share with anyone interested in 9/11 worldwide.
April 16, 2007, a major Italian network (Canale 5) has aired some
conclusive evidence that Building 7 did not collapse on its own, but
was deliberately taken down with the use of explosives.
piece was part of a larger presentation we provided to the network as
an update on the ongoing research on 9/11. In particular, we included a clip we had all seen many times before, but possibly never listened to with the full attention it deserved. Here is the 6 min. segment (please ignore yellow subtitles):
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