Original: http://siegfriedemanuel.wordpress.com/2007/09/03/quo-vadis-mammon/ 2008-11-01

Link here: http://blog.lege.net/content/Ethics_of_Science__Quo_Vadis_Mammon.html

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Quo Vadis Mammon?

The Chestnuts of my third manuscript which I am about to self-publish …. keep coming back to see the announcement of it becoming available in book-form! 


 “Here is no fanaticism, there is no preaching, there is no need for believing”. (Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo, cf. footnmote# 16, p. 10)  


6                         Quo Vadis Humanitas?

 We all pretend to be worried about where we are going, but do not make any real attempt to find out where we have come from.  Religions, politics and science ostensibly are “in the know” and they tell us their versions of the “thruth”.  Just as uncertain as the beginnings is the future ending. Be it a biblical Armageddon on earth or “Hell” in the next life, a “Clash of Civilisations” or a cataclysm of environmental (or even cosmic) nature- they all keep mankind in fear of the “future”.  When we look more carefully, the “future” has been “privatised” and seems to refer only to the remaining individual life span (or term of office for “appointed” people).   Language has been “privatised” as well – for instance: nobody may tell the truth about the genocidal actions of Israel, but anybody may tell whatever (derogatory) lie about Muslims or publish provocative “cartoons”..    

24                        World views

 As with all aspects of our existence,  we are in dire need of an overhaul of our “World View”.  It is difficult to still pretend that “all is fine”, when we see how international relations become a plaything of the hubris of one nation, how industry progresses from one into the next catastrophe, how “goodness” is preached from the pulpit or in the class room while the Media swamps us with info-tainment which has as its main ingredients the outcomes of crime and violence and our entertainment is largely concerned with depicting in gruesome detail the various ways in which all of this comes to be. We take a coroners view of the presently held World View and realise, that we are dealing largely with a morgue of concepts which have since long been declared dead.  

45                        From Anselm to Gödel – a Millennium of Mental Contortionism

 We explore the graveyard of intellectual corpses that Academia represents only to find that their thinking is still very much with us – in fact they control our presence and are shaping our future.  The better parts of the Second Millennium of man’s recorded history were spent in persuit of the most elusive of concepts - truth.  To our surprise we see that science apparently is an enterprise which first attempts to find “the truth” only to then go on to bury it still deeper under terminology and ill defined concepts.    

66                        The Science of Crises and Catastrophes

 The history of mankind appears to be a (we can only hope: infinite) string of crises and catastrophes. When we trace catastrophes back to when they were “only” crises we find that they- in turn- were little more than (the misunderstood) outcomes of (intially already flawed) concepts.  As there is little point in shutting the gate to the paddock after the horses have bolted, we have to do our utmost to use all means at our disposal to examine concepts with regards to their systemic viability before we implement them.   

81                        Religions and Catastrophes – how do they relate?

 A whirlwind survey of the history of religions shows them to be either directly causally related to catastrophes that have befallen mankind or have caused unspeakable tragedies for humanity.  All of this has great relevance for the present and future of mankind.  The New Millennium has seen the emergence of two new “Religions” – Holocaust-ism and Global-ism.  Both are based on apodictic dogma and the fanatical proponents of these money-theistic religions postulate that one “is either with them or against them”.  What will be the catastrophe(s) caused by these new religions?  

90                        Academic Freedom and Ethics

 As long as academia is “free”, scientists will continue to create power from knowledge. The public spends vast sums of money for the search of novelty;  when we look at the outcome  of this effort over the last century, then what we hail as “progress” has largely only caused misery. The world would now be a better place, had mankind not been able to “split the atom”. The signs mount, that the world will be a better place if the irresponsible “splicing of genes” will be stopped.  While nuclear physics has the potential of stopping humanity with a “bang”, genetical engineering will quite possibly end it with a “whimper”, when we all starve to death because of runaway hybridisation of plants and animals.  If we continue to turn fields and stables into “slot machines” an ever growing mankind will run out of “nickles” and thus prove the Reverend Malthus correct - after all.  

121                         Culture  &  Technology  -  how do they relate?

 Old myths became structured into religions and science: both are driven by strict dogma, that may be questioned only at the risk of being labelled as either a heretic or a pseudo-scientist.  Religion and science are major pillors of culture, out of which technology emerges.  Any “transfer of technology” brings with it the culture (and hidden in it, often driven by it, also the religion) it is based upon.  When technology without (its) culture is desired, then this presupposes not only an in depth knowledge of (its) culture, but also of (its) religion. That this sine qua non is not recognised lets demagogues call for a “clash of cultures” while they peddle their technologies.  

141                        Towards a New Social Science

 Social Science is manically pursuing the dream of becoming a “hard” science and thus uses the tools of the Natural Sciences.  Methodology seemingly has replaced understanding.  This is why cultures are reduced to “things” and people are viewed as “numbers”.  The abstractions required to apply mathematics pose the danger of abstracting humanity out of mankind.  Only when man comes to terms with the awful reality that life is lethal, will Social Science be directed towards the betterment of the “is” rather than trying to apply untested concepts to force a better “will be”. Those who (often only pretend to) “know” what is “good” have to be recognised as the systemic danger they pose.  

161                        Privatisation of Public Utilities

 In the present age of Privatisation we are told that Public Utilities have to be operated not by the states but by entrepreneurial busines in order to be profitable.  This flies in the face of the fact, that a service is something which has to be paid for – how can a public utility (service) be profitable?  If the state does not want to provide the “engine of prosperity”, then why have a state? Once “privatised”, Public Utilities quickly are taken over by transnational corporations and reverse the originally intended service to the public by making utilities unaffordable for many. We are prevented from realising what is really going on by the “Privatisation of Truth”, which carries with it the price of the Future of the World being privatised as well. 

175                        Big Oil,  the War on Drugs and Terrorism

 The New Millennium is a nightmare of poorly understood concepts:  while elites wallop in orgiastic drug induced stupor, the masses are addicted to menomic and physical drugs and thus blinded to reality.  The 1973 war in the Middle East hiked oil prices sufficiently to make exploitation of the oil in the North Sea viable. Three decades later renewed fighting there may well result in the oil price being elevated sufficiently to turn the vast oil resources of the Argentine-Falklands shelf into a viable business proposition. By calling oil a “non renewable” resource absurd price hikes seem justified to a general public addicted to speed and power that they can buy at the pump.  That the great majority of all known reserves of crude oil occur in Islamic countries makes it imperative for “Big Oil” to incite a feeling in the general public of the “West” regarding the “danger” from Islamic “otherness”. Like all other catch phrases, also “Terrorism” is not clearly defined and also not at all understood: while the systemic terrorism perpetrated by states and multinational corporations goes unreported and virtually unseen, the symptomatic terror (which is a sequitur of the systemic terror) is being used to permit the construction of an Orwellian future – with the full consent of and applause from the masses.  

209                         Manufactured Truth and  Emergent Reality

 Problems related to the pricing-/ availability of oil, the abuse of drugs and the threat posed by “terrorism” were surely not of the magnitude they are perceived to be, were it not for the activities of what we here call the “dumbing machine”. Religions, politics and academia conspire to present the “is” as a consequence of the ills of society which are seen as an emergent reality.  Quite the contrary is the case – they are little less than a manufactured “truth”.  We examine the recent past to underpin this statement.  

222                         Sociological Impact of Technological Advance

 Mankind has become increasingly more adept in shaping the World to its desires and “needs”.  This is the official wisdom;  in reality mankind has exchanged dependency on the vagaries of nature with total abandon towards technology.  While nature is capable of healing itself, even the smallest faulty part will stop a machine and even a small detail of a failed mental concept is not inconsequential. Greed and Technophilia enhance the present corruption of Science, while man has traded freedom for “security”.  

240                        Menomic  Colonialism

 We cannot make any sense of what is going on around us, if we do not examine the way in which we are all guided to think and behave.  The 20th century saw the collapse of all the sociological- and political models that were proposed in the 19th century.  Napoleon had hi-jacked the French Revolution just like elites hi-jacked the industrial revolution. What had seemed for a short while beneficial for mankind turned into all consuming molochs.  When colonialism had reached the end of systemically possible “growth”, the Masters of the Universe changed tack and set sails towards unending conflict.  Political slavery was ex-changed with economic domination and menomic colonialism.   

268                         Re-visiting  Revisionism


While the former colonies are being again enslaved – this time not physically but menomically, the sorry remnants of the formerly “Affluent Society” are being mentally caged with academia being penned into paradigmatic cages and the general public may not use its right of “free speech”. Religions have deprived mankind for ages of their ability to think freely;  the new “religions” of the present tar those who want to apply the Baconian “Scientific Method” or Aristotelian philosophical method of “Organon” with the broad brush of “Revisionism”.  What is an integral part of the scientific method (how can we be sure of the validity of a concept if we not test it?)  is being portrayed as an unsocial, even criminal act.  What have those who insist on letting sleeping lions lie have to fear?  That their lies will devour them?


292                        3He – The Avenger of Truth

 E pluribus unum:  the “going” paradigm of Oil Formation is by Helium-3 isotope data shown to be holdover from times when science thought to “know-it-all” (without knowing any better).  At the beginning of the 3rd Millennium any further “belief” in this pedestrian kind of “science” puts the entirety of academia to shame or rather underpins the assertion that science has become the handmaiden of elitist control mechanisms over the progressively “dumbed down” masses.  With that “science” has reverted to what it has been in the very beginning:  a manipulative scheme which lets a “priestly class” live parasitically off the back of the ignorant masses which are made to believe in eschatological phantasies.  The New Empire is removing its war mongers by letting them take “personal political responsibility” for atrocities perpetrated by indivuduals on individual Prisoners of War. This detracts from their genocidal crimes and shields the Commander in Chief from being held responsible for a “Holocaust” – which can be proven!  

306                        The <END GAME>

 Judeo-Christian Dogma not only has installed the Origin/ Creation dichotomy in the minds of people (scientists and general population alike) it also now pushes the dogma of Eschatology – and made (some) people want to accelerate the “Coming of the End”. “The Passion of the Christ”– a perverse glorification of torture and sufferance reminded the world that a horrible present is a sine qua non for paradisical bliss.  Less than one third of humanity has been intellectually prepared to succumb to such thinking by virtue of  their religious upbringing – the majority of mankind is being sacrificed to “speed up the Second Coming of the Messiah”.  Those pushing for “Globalisation”,  while accelerating the ignominous end of Gaia are maliciously using the piety of many to hide their intent. In September 2005 it “became official” (commonly known) that the global climate has – possibly irreversably – “flipped: the northern tundras are beginning to melt, spewing immeasurable quantities of methane into the atmosphere and thereby turning the “Greenhouse Effect” into the “Venus Effect”.  The arctic ice is melting at an accelerating rate, thereby possibly (probably?) altering the path of thermohaline conveyor-belts (like the Gulf Stream). This will lead to a number of processes with the net effect that humanity will be driven out of the “Techno Paradise” into the wastelands that it has created.   

323                 Human Spiritual Devolution

  We will never know what compelled taxonomists to come up with the stupid species name of H. sapiens.  Animals have instincts that  motorically “drive” their reflexes and reactions to environmental stimuli; human hubris does not permit animals to have “feelings”.  Humans had spirituality that did for them what instincts did for animals;  religions, science (philosophy) and politics have to a large degree supplanted spirituality with synthetic beliefs, knowledge and fears. The herd-instinct of animals has been engineered in humans not for individual (and species) “good” but for elitist “better”.   Just like “life” on Earth has devolved from magnificent beginnings, so has human spirituality devolved to its present sorry state. The enterprise of science has devolved into a moloch: several categories of Nobel Prizes should thus be rolled into one: the invention of new Weapons of Mass Destruction.   

346                        A Passionate Plea for an Ethical Future

  In an attempt to show some of the many absurdities of the “human condition” of present times, a number of the most blatant unsavoury aspects of  it are listed.  After trying to subsume all of this we realise, that the shaping of a “better future” will have to be based on the establishment of a truely ethical scientific enterprise. Both research and teaching will have to revert to principles advocated by Aristotle for philosophy and Sir Francis Bacon for science;  the “Judaisation” of science (really already beginning with Francis Bacon) during the period of the Enlightenment which has in effect suffused academia with Talmudic principles has to be reversed in order to achieve such a “revolution”.  

            Such a return to origins of principles has to be paralleled by a legal and constitutional revolt on the political level that will bring the concept of democracy (rule of the people by the people and for the people) into resonance with present day realities.


4 Responses to “Quo Vadis Mammon?”

  1. Eric Says:

    >While nature is capable of healing itself, even the smallest faulty part will stop a machine and even a small detail of a failed mental concept is not inconsequential.

    well said.

  2. Polydoros Polydoropoulos Says:

    This is beautiful work; all the way from the beginning to the end.

    I propose that we have to return to the ancient philosophic and scientific principles that ended with Plato as their last teacher. To do this we need a general/holistic revolution that is not only political and economic but also cultural/religious. As a start we may activate in our minds pro-Life and Nature-loving religions like the ancient Greek one. We utilize the old symbolic stories as a set of metaphors for moral and ethical teachings; then based on them to record a modern set of stories about physical, intellectual and spiritual athleticism in ethics and natural morality that elevate humanity instead of bending it down to Judaism.

    Warm regards,

  3. Kay Scarborough Says:

    Someone told me at the last Natural Philosophy Alliance meeting that terrorism began in this country in 1492. How true!! I’m 1/8 Seminole Indian myself.

    Anyway, your writings are sad, but true. One area in particular “hit home”, and that is the so-called “energy crisis”. In 1973, my father came out with a pamphlet entitled, “Fuels: A New Theory”, which refuted the antiquated Fossil Fuels Theory, and replaced it with the much more logical Energy Fuels Theory. It has been proven that fuels are ABIOGENIC in nature. The potential political and economic value of the pamphlet is that we are not going to run out of fuels (until maybe about a million years or so from now) simply because they are continually being created from within Earth’s nuclear energy core. Gas, oil and coal are merely three polymerizational forms of the same thing. Simple gases are found at the deepest levels within Earth. Due to extreme temperatures and pressures, the gases are forced up through the paths of least resistance, where they polymerize into more complex hydrocarbon oils at mid-depths with relatively lower temperatures and pressure. Likewise, oils are forced up through the paths of least resistance due to time, temperature, and pressure, where they cross-link into even more complex coals nearer the surface of the earth, where temperatures are relatively cooler and pressure is relatively less. In fact, gummy oils are found in coal. The fossils were merely trapped in the oil as it solidified into coal; thus, they are a by-product rather than the cause of creation of coal. Fossils are limited, but the “chemical manufacturing plant” within Earth is not (at least not for another million years or so). My father, Alex Scarborough, later self-published the book, “Undermining the Energy Crisis”, in 1979. He presented even more proofs and evidence of the abiogenic nature of fuels, thus further refuting the “Fossil” Fuels Theory of the 1830s, and supporting the new Energy Fuels Theory. We could be digging for oil in our own “backyards” in America, especially in Alaska, and in fact, my father cites some corporations and universities who are doing just that. There is no energy crisis, just a ploy to frighten people and make huge profits.

    Kay Scarborough
    Unemployed Analytical Chemist

    (Alex A. Scarborough
    Retired Chemist/Chemical Engineer)

  4. Auveline Robinson Says:

    SIR: you are on my HIT LIST. I INTEND TO BUY YOUR BOOK AS SOON AS YOU HAVE IT READY. You are the first academic who has spoken the TRUTHS about the way things are and offered a solution as to the way they should be. Also, once I have your book, I intend to study it carefully. In addition, when you notify me that it is published, I will send notice around to my contacts about it. Keep up the good work. Auveline

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