Independent Judiciary and Law Societies are essential to build

Translated from Swedish at .

Slightly edited from text written on Thursday 19 January at 18:13:39 Swedish winter time = 17:13:39 UTC

All legitimate authority emanates from the INDIVIDUAL.  A group can have no rights unless they can be traced to individuals and their approval.  A mob has no rights, they are merely criminals and/or bullies.  They may have taken power but this is illegitimate power.

Independent Judiciary

{IMAGE:  Independent Judiciary, @ 01:07:00.48 / 4020.48 s in ICIC  FEAR & LOATHING OF THE EMPEROR´S NEW CLOTHES  ☀️ ICIC 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 - International Crimes Investigative Committee, 1/15/23 8:37 PM UTC   Mirrored at: }

Independent Judiciary and Law Societies are absolutely essential as long as there are judiciaries and jurisdictions that impose insanity on their victims.  We need to organize for Law and Justice and generally for new structures that can take over when the old disintegrates so that there is not chaos and disorder.  All legitimate authority emanates from the INDIVIDUAL.  A group can have no rights unless they can be traced to individuals and their approval.  A mob has no rights, they are merely criminals and/or bullies.  They may have taken power but this is illegitimate power.  INDIVIDUAL SELF-RESPONSIBILITY and standing up for one's own integrity and so on is what the future must be built on.  As Russell Brand stated, "Different strokes for different folks".  Those who want to live under a certain system of laws can do so but if you have very different views you cannot legitimately be under the same political system.  Then you have to stay apart and not oppress each other.  Not bully each other.

Keep in mind that it may become considered a very serious crime to have stood in the way of good forces.  Viewed as sabotage activities, etc..  Especially if you have not openly declared yourself a combatant under the laws of war.  Do you know where you are in the new manifesting reality?  Are you sure that you understand what is happening when the old narrative falls apart and reveals everything?  Our Nation will return to Sound Ground based on State and Regional officials being servants of the people and not their masters, with Full Accountability to the People.  Individual Responsibility.  As long as you do no harm, there can be no crime other than broken agreements and agreements mean meeting of the minds.  If there is no meeting of the minds there are no agreements and therefore no broken agreement and the only issue then is that you may not harm.  Courts that violate this are of course criminal and this is another reason that independent judiciary and law societies are absolutely essential to build.

Posted by LegeNet Holistisk detektivbyrå in Rättvisa, Andligt uppvaknande, Frihet, Mänskliga rättigheter at 15:52