Original: http://heising.dk/content.asp?Id=258 2008-02-13

Link here: http://blog.lege.net/content/The_Global_Pyramid_of_Power.html

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Articles in English 15-11-2007
The Global Pyramid of Power

Many models of the global pyramid of power have been produced by good people. Here is mine. None of those I have seen are comprehensive - nor is mine. But at least it is simple and consistent.

The core in the development of such power structure is of course the idea of extended ownership - ownership not limited to what you need in your life, but beyond without limits. In our part of the world, it is systematically built up during the last 1000 years. It has been inherited from earlier "civilizations" - the Roman, Greek, Persian etc. Meanwhile, in it's present shape it probably goes back 200 years - to the time where international bankers grabbed control from European royal families and leading nobility families.

One of the multilevel operatives in the pyramid, mr. H. Kissinger, once said: You want to control a nation? Control the food. You want to control a region? Take control of the energy. You want to control the world? Control the banking!

Thus, ownership of banking is ownership of the world. That means all natural resources. We can't say that they have only one owner. But we can say that one or two handful of families have most of the ownership. They are not only competing but also tied together by their common interest. I think we are right to call them a syndicate.

That might also be a simplification. It is a common view that there are three global centers of power: The City of London, Washington DC and the Vatican. There might be three syndicates. They might even compete - dividing the globe in three spheres of interest. But still working together - discussing, making agreements and business.

They all belong to the ownership level on the drawing. They all do banking. They all own enormous amounts of land and resources all over the world. They all control industries within energy and food - and other major industries like military, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

Who rules these syndicates? I am aware that many views on that are also circulating. Most of them seem possible. But I will refrain from discussing it - I simply don't know. Instead I will stick to what I can hear and see every day in the media - and read in the faces of my fellow humans.

The Intelligence Level
In my mind there's no doubt that the ownership syndicates' filter to the world is a number of intelligence services. They have their own, and they use the statal agencies. Information is crucial to ownership and for making political and business decisions. I have placed them on top of the operational main level, right under the ownership level.

The Policy Level
The policy level has a number of societies and organizations. Some permanent, some ad hoc. I find it likely that the upper layer of this level is Council of the 300, as advocated by John Coleman. Below follow our friends in Council on Foreign Relations, Royal Institute of Foreign Affairs, Bilderberg Group, Rome Club and so forth. There might be a hierarchy on the level, but at least some organizations are co-ordinated.

Organizations like CFR, TC, Bilderbergers consist of a mixture of bankers, industrialists, politicians and media moguls. They also have representation from the ownership layer. Their purpose is to spread a common perception of regional and international issues and strategies; and to establish a common angle under which the ideas should be brought forward and put into practice. When the members leave the conferences, they know what to say to their collegues and subsidiaries. The members from the political layer know what legislation to suggest in their parlaments.

The Facilitating Level
Then we have the facilitating level. That means the complete political structures of the western world (and their allies). It carries it's name because the purpose of political life is to facilitate the decisions made on the ownership level: Decisions extending the ownership of resources, control over money currents and power. The politician's job is to make legislation which promotes it and - together with the media controllers - to create the public images making the populations believe it's to service them.

We have three centers on this facilitating level. Earlier, the main vehicle was Great Britain which used it's colonial empire to drain the rest of the world for it's resources and pass the ownership and income upwards. Today, Great Britain has, as a country, been emptied of values. Since WWII, the US has become the main vehicle instead. It is still of some strength, but is closing in to the point where it is also emptied.

After that, the targets will be the "Eastern Tiger Economies" - China and Russia.

It should be noticed that the emptying of societies does not apply to the ownership layer. On the contrary: All values end there.The emptying takes place in the populations, and in the public (statal) economies. In these countries, the states are vacuum cleaners, transfering wealth from the bottom to the top.

The EU plays a special role. Although some of it's member countries have weak economies, it seems that the union is to serve as a model for other unions. Since the superstate formation is not complete, the member states are still allowed to maintain their "welfare" characteristics.

We should probably add that Europe has already long ago been emptied for natural resources. The little there is left is already owned by "the families". What remains is only to secure that the unions' populations do not consume too much more of them. Which is done by a slow silent erotion of the populations' health - as a preparation for a more explicit depopulation.

The Executive Level
On the executive level, we find all the nations - and the United Nations. The latter does not in itself play a central role. It is underfinanced and powerless - thus positioned low in the hierarchi. It's main purpose is to eliminate obstacles to global ownership, which is done through it's many sub-organizations: World bank, IMF, WTO, WHO, UNPF and others. These are fully controlled by the facilitating level and thus by the ownership level. So, even though some of the sub-organizations may seem powerful - like the World Bank - the power "comes from behind" - that means from above.

The nations play a minor role. Almost all of them could be bought by "the families". Politically, they just comply and serve as local facilitators of executive nature. Keep order and obediance in their local populations. Take care that labour force is available and that buying power is present at suitable level - or not present.

So, by the end we can see mankind as a three-layer phenomenon: We have the owners of land and resources. We have a large number of caretakers - so-called contractors - transforming owner decisions into practical operations. And then we have the populations creating the values on behalf of the owners. Amongst the populations, some are allowed to own small pieces of land and benefit from a certain amount of wealth - others are not. This is strictly regulated through the operational layers - by regulating money flow and adjusting legislation.

Two main trends are visible at present time: The globalization facilitating global ownership. And depopulation reducing populations' consumption of resources. The latter applies first of all to the Third World - as stated in NSSM 200. It is fully unfolding in the Middle East and Afghanistan through war and fully unfolding in Africa through economic strangulation, destabilization, warfare and pharmaceutical fraud.

But it is also unfolding i the West, although in a more silent manner: By degraded food products (forced in by economic means), increased amounts of poisonous additives, increased addiction to medicine and through radioactive exposure from depleted uranium bombs and other sources. These are just preparations. The existence of the Terror War evidences that more will come. That war is meant to tighten the control over western populations - for future use.

What is not accounted for
This is a simple model. It does not account for the Asian factor. Many will say that it should - that there's only one global agenda and that they are all in it. They may be right. That would add some more boxes to the Facilitating level - next to the US, GB and EU.

Also, it does not account for the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Scull and Bones etc. These may be vertical structures infiltrating the pyramid on more levels - but I can't say.

Finally, it does not account for the religious orders. Nor for the much debated occult factor. All this may come at a later time. Suggestions are welcome.


Lars Österman: You write:

..the states are vacuum cleaners, transfering wealth from the bottom to the top.

I take it you mean the transfer of interest payments on the enormous national debts the populations pay by taxes to the states. Or did you have something else in mind as well...?

Kjeld: That's exactly the point. But I'm also pointing at money transfers where the state finances income to the corporates. Ex third world aid which returns to the corporates, public vaccination schemes funding the pharceuticals, mandatory insurances, mandatory car inspections, tax financed false "rebuilding schemes" in countries being attacked by militaries (billions to Halliburton) and many many more.

Somebody should make a list of all this.

Lars Österman: Right. And lets not forget the wars like WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Gulf 1, Irak etc.
As general Smeadley Butler pointed out in his article War Is A Racket the military industrial complex makes zillions during wars. But then again wars are mostly deficit spending so both the principal and the interest is siphooned from the tax-payers to the top through the state just as you imply.



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