by Henry Makow Ph,D. – October 2, 2007
Hardly a day goes by without an article on the Internet blaming Israel for the war in Iraq.
The power of the Jewish neo-cons is analogous to that of Jewish
Communists in the FDR era. Caroll Quigley wrote, "the power that these
energetic left-wingers exercised was never their own power or Communist
power but was ultimately the power of the international financial
coterie." (
"Tragedy and Hope", p.954)
In my review of
"The Red Dragon"
last week, I presented the hypothesis that there is only one imperial
power in the world: the central banking cartel. Because it creates
money out of nothing, it is obliged to buy everything it can. It hides
behind the mask of British, American, French or Japanese imperialism,
Nazism, Zionism, Communism, etc. but essentially the same people
instigate and finance all wars, and profit from them, at the expense of
(See my
"Hitler Used Rothschild Banker's Typewriter")
The fundamental agenda appears to be that of the
"The Protocols of Zion"
(a "forgery" with amazing prescient power) "to undermine all collective
forces not our own" by which they mean all nations, races, religions
and family. They intend to sow chaos until an exasperated and exhausted
humanity succumbs to their world "super government."
According to
"Red Dragon" author L.B. Woolfolk, this
ethnic-Jewish dominated "Money Power," operating through the Bank of
England and countless corporate fronts, tied up most of the world's
wealth as early as 1864.
They are colonizing the world, including the so-called imperialist
powers. The most draconian repressive measures are taking place in
England, the headquarters of this cabal. They created Israel not as a
Jewish homeland but as seat of their future Masonic world government.
They instigated the Holocaust to force Jews to support Israel. The
Holocaust may have been used to mask the true character of WWII: an
attack on Christian European civilization in general by a satanic
heretical Jewish sect (the bankers) .
The US has been a colony of this financial power for a long time.
In 1919, Col. Edward House, a Rothschild agent, spoke of using the
League of Nations for the [quote] "peaceful return of the American
colonies to the dominion of the Crown." House writes:
"The League is in substance the Empire with America admitted on the same basis as our other colonies."
The "Crown" is a euphemism for this private cartel. Col. House boasts
that the "Crown" used U.S. Treasury loans intended for war purposes to
buy up oil fields in California, Mexico and Latin America.
"The war has made us custodians of the greater part of the world's
raw materials... [We] now largely control the oil fields of the world
and thereby the world's transportation and industry."
According to Wikipedia, "colonizing nations generally dominate the
resources, labor, and markets of the colonial territory, and may also
impose socio-cultural, religious and linguistic structures on the
conquered population."
We have not been invaded by a foreign army but by foreign capital.
As Col. House intimates, they own a controlling interest in industry,
and have used that position to buy the politicians, the media and
House described how their "entire system of thought control" was
working relentlessly for the adoption of the League. But he could be
referring to the Iraq War, Global Warming, the EU, or North American
Union, today. I urge you to read
this document because their tactics haven't changed.
Back in 1919, Col. House used Canadians and Brits to persuade Americans
to join the League. He also used the elite-sponsored YMCA, Red Cross,
and Salvation Army.
"The League's praises are thundered by our press, decreed by our
college presidents, and professed by our professors. Our authors,
writers and lecturers are analyzing its selected virtues... we have
enlisted 8000 propagandists for the League. We have organized
international and national synods, committees, conferences,
convocations, conventions, herald the birth of the League
as the dawn of universal peace."
"Agriculturalists, bankers, brokers, accountants, chemists, and all
other functional groups capable of exerting organized professional,
business, financial or social pressure are meeting to endorse the
League in the name of peace, progress and prosperity...Our film
concerns are preparing an epoch-making picture..."
"In short, our entire system of thought control is working
ceaselessly, tirelessly, ruthlessly, to ensure the adoption of the
League. And it will be adopted, for business wants peace, the righteous
cannot resist a covenant, and the politicians, after shadow boxing for
patronage purposes, will yield valiantly [is this a threat?] lest the
fate of the
wanton and willful pursue them."
Today, the bankers are fomenting war between Zionism and Islam as
part of their world colonization plan. Iran is being targeted for its
oil wealth, independence and belief in God.
As in the past, they use all available means of "thought control,"
Jewish or non-Jewish. Most people can be tricked by a slogan or bought
for the price of a steady job.
Because they control the media, neo-cons haven't felt the wrath of
the American people for Iraq; and are beating the drums for war with
Recently, the President of Iran was a guest speaker at Columbia
University where angry Jews picketed him. The President of the
University, Lee Bollinger, called him "an evil petty dictator."
Bollinger, who is a Jew, apparently cleared his speech with the Israel
Here is an example of how a university supposedly dedicated to
truth has been subverted by organized Jewry to foment war. Throughout
history, organized Jewry has been accused of being a Fifth Column.
Unorganized Jewry needs to repudiate Organized Jewry!
Of the eight Ivy League universities, only Dartmouth has a
President who is a white non- Jewish male. Four have Jewish presidents.
The other three have militant feminists. (Feminism, today's version of
Communism, envisages a total transformation of society.)
Let's see how this "system of thought control" works. At Princeton,
Shirley Tilghman succeeded Judith Rodin, a Jewish feminist who is now
President of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Tilghman is not Jewish but,
according to an alumnus,
she "has pursued an activist feminist agenda to remake Princeton into a
liberal paradise ...Princeton is rife with political correctness,
multiculturalism, and liberal groupthink."
In 1945,"
Dartmouth president Ernest M. Hopkins declared
that his "is a Christian college founded for the Christianization of
its students." In the 1970s and 1980s, Dartmouth entrusted "the
Christianization of its students" to two Jewish presidents. In the
1990s, Harvard and Yale also selected presidents with Jewish
backgrounds. By 1993, Jews headed five of the eight Ivy League
institutions prompting some wags to refer to the "Oy Vei" League.
Whether it's education, media or business, the central bankers
regard Jews are trustworthy agents. This is not a racial thing. Jews
that forget their task are fired. For example, Lawrence Sommers , the
President of Harvard was replaced by a desiccated feminist (non-Jewish)
after he dared to opine that men had superior scientific ability.
Of course the Freemasons are a prime example of a largely
non-Jewish organization secretly devoted to subverting Western
Civilization. In England, they have spawned a "charity" called
"Common Purpose"
which has recruited prominent people (educators, judges, cops,
churchmen) entrusted to uphold democracy, sovereignty and the rule of
law to undermine all three. They are run out of the office of the
Deputy Prime Minister of the UK!
The New World Order is an extension of the imperialism of the
"Crown", a clique of Jewish bankers and their Gentile accomplices
devoted to "absorbing the wealth of the world" (in Cecil Rhodes words)
and enslaving the human race.
We are being colonized by this financial power. The bogus "War of
Terror" obviously is directed against us. It is the naked fist of this
imperialism. Our jobs are outsourced; our resources are exported.
Illegal aliens divide our political culture and dilute our job market.
The education system is used for mass indoctrination. News is
controlled. Entertainment is filled with trivia, drugs, violence and
pornography. Obviously our masters wish to arrest our development.
In every colonial situation, the political and cultural elite
consists of people who serve the occupying power. Thus, let's judge
people not by their race, but by the service they perform for the
invisible invader. And let's not confuse them with the real imperialist
"Money Power."
The sooner we see ourselves as colonized, the sooner we can declare our independence.
Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." ( His articles can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only.
Last updated 05/10/2007