{ Partial translation of   http://blog.lege.net/content/makthavares_sjalvsakerhet_om_total_kontroll_borta.html }

Top is  https://newsvoice.se/2023/01/lansforsakringar-bank-nya-dagbladet/  "Länsförsäkringar Bank closes Nya Dagbladet and editors' accounts - Criminal?"

Bottom is  https://nyadagbladet.se/donera/

Apparently Länsförsäkringar Bank is blaming Nya Dagbladet for accepting donations.  But these do not go through Länsförsäkringar Bank.  So Länsförsäkringar Bank does not have an iron grip on Nya Dagbladet.  That is apparently their problem.  That they don't have a handle on Nya Dagbladet's overall finances.

It's all about control.  Political control.  Banks are weapon systems.  But as weapon systems they are under the laws of war.

"That's obviously their problem.  That they don't have an iron grip on the entire economy of the Newspaper."

In addition, I note that it is absolutely necessary to have other ways of handling payments, and the "money laundering law" here is part of a weapon system for an actor.  That is, it has to be walked around when used for political control.

They have not declared themselves as combatants under the laws of war.  They are then illegal combatants, without any legal rights whatsoever.  I wonder if they have thought about what it means when the power over justice is regained?

"Keep in mind that it may become considered a very serious crime to have stood in the way of good forces.  Viewed as sabotage activities, etc..  Especially if you have not openly declared yourself a combatant under the laws of war.  Do you know where you are in the new manifesting reality?  Are you sure that you understand what is happening when the old narrative falls apart and reveals everything?"   ( http://blog.lege.net/?/437-Oberoende-raettsvaesende-och-lagsaellskap-aer-absolut-noedvaendigt-att-bygga-upp.html )

English translations in 3 formats here:   http://blog.lege.net/?/437-Oberoende-raettsvaesende-och-lagsaellskap-aer-absolut-noedvaendigt-att-bygga-upp.html#c2615

https://t.me/realLegeNet/15475  +  http://mss.lege.net/statements/LawOfWar.html , where a Swedish translation is available  {here though the original English is used}:

"This is the people's real Nürnberg Tribunals.

Censorship is now done openly.  Officialdom (the Enemy Combatants) prioritise their own narrative over all other considerations and do so openly.  Which openly declares their priorities.  Which creates a living disclosure process where everyone shows who they are.  The people see this from below.  Officialdom falls through this.  We outnumber them."

Comment:  That (enemy combatants) can be applied to everyone, including civilians.

What is happening now is as far from right as can be imagined.  See for example this:

"A tactic recommended by Vaclav Havel, a political dissident under Soviet communist rule who later became president of Czechoslovakia, is the construction of what are called “parallel structures”.

A parallel structure is any form of organization, business, institution, technology, or creative pursuit that exists physically within a totalitarian society, yet morally outside of it.

In communist Czechoslovakia, Havel noted that these parallel structures were more effective at combating totalitarianism than political action.

Furthermore, when enough parallel structures are created, a “second culture” or “parallel society” spontaneously forms and functions as an enclave of freedom and sanity within a totalitarian world.

Or as Havel explains in his book The Power of the Powerless:

“….what else are parallel structures than an area where a different life can be lived, a life that is in harmony with its own aims and which in turn structures itself in harmony with those aims?

. . .What else are those initial attempts at social self-organization than the efforts of a certain part of society…to rid itself of the self-sustaining aspects of totalitarianism and, thus, to extricate itself radically from its involvement in the…totalitarian system?”

Vaclav Havel, The Power of the Powerless
But above all else what is required to prevent a full descent into the madness of totalitarianism is action by as many people as possible."

( http://blog.lege.net/?/420-Tillverkningen-av-en-masspsykos.html )

Even if it is possible to sneer at the fact that legal decisions in parallel structures cannot be imposed on the other structures, they show that there is another way and if most people join in, well, suddenly it is possible!  The very fact that this structure is widely supported means that the self-assurance of those in power about total control is gone.