With love from Holland: Hopefully a Merry Christmas America!
By Sruti Rasa
publication of the article following below was not meant to take place
before this website that is being build around it would have been
completed, but this has changed because of a small revolution in
'main-media land'.
whistleblower spoke out. During a lengthy TV-interview on December 5
2006, former MI5 officer David Shayler has convincingly revealed the
truths about 9/11, 7/7, and other 'false flag terror ops'. This is
probably not the first time that a whistleblower of such a calibre
could have his (or her) word on TV, but what made this interview
so remarkable wasn’t only the blunt outspokenness of David Shayler, but
much more so the fact that it was broadcasted on Sky News Channel.
You can watch or download the interview here: http://www.officialconfusion.com/shayleronsky.html
the truth about 9/11 for the first time is starting to reach the masses
through a major international TV-station, the real perpetrators must be
feeling even more cornered than they already were due to the several
polls that clearly reflected a rapidly growing public awareness of
their complicity. Sooner or later, the only way for them to prevent
their nearing arrests is to launch another '9/11': the one they already
had waiting for us anyway.
act of terror can only be more horrific, as it is meant to shock,
paralyze, and confuse the ‘world opinion’ in such a way that it can
justify war with Iran, Martial Law (i.e. Bush forever and censorship of the Internet!), draft, and their planned WWIII.
course, this act of terror might as well take place during the next
year, but now with the tables turning this rapidly, it wouldn’t be
surprising at all if they have decided to unleash their vicious plan in
the coming days before Christmas, as this would enlarge the aimed
impact of it considerably.
After such a disaster has taken place, the contents of the following article will never get a change again to reach and inform the people of America, the very ones for whom it has been written for.
I? Excuse me, but it is not our army that is number one in the world.
Excuse me, but it is not our army that has been hijacked. Excuse me,
but it is not our lunatic Skull and Bones-president that is ruining
life and liberty on earth. Excuse me, but it is not our 9/11!
And is only you, ‘We The People’, who are holding the key to save humanity from the global disasters that are planned.
Hopefully this article will contribute to the number of Americans (and their motivation) badly needed to achieve this task.
Merry Christmas, Sruti Rasa.
The Terrorists Behind The Terrorists
The Seeds That Crack The Concrete
by Sruti Rasa,
Until about a few years ago most of the people of our little Dutch town could only envision the US as a trustworthy defender of the world’s democracies. The US army used to be highly respected in the Netherlands because it took part in our liberation from the Nazis.
Things have changed.
Now a growing number of us think of the US
as an aggressor nation that has deceived the international community
with pre-meditated lies and fabricated evidence in order to get away
with the invasion of Iraq. Now we witness how the US army has itself turned into an invading and occupying force using Nazi methods.
Previously for many of us it was hard to accept the possibility of purposely evil-intentioned US
presidents, not even during the Vietnam War. Now many of us think Bush
is vicious and treacherous enough to have been complicit in 9/11. We
think the rulers of the Zionist New World Order (ZNWO) let him in on
their deceitful strategy, not only because of the criminal demerits of
his family, but also because his perverted character suited their
purposes so well.
know about the President’s membership of the Skull and Bones Society, a
satanic Yale cult also known as the Brotherhood of Death Society, in
which he followed the footsteps of his father and grandfather. We know
he found his pleasure in tormenting animals. We know his past is
blurred by cocaine. We know his conspiracy involvement became of such
indispensable value for the ZNWO that they allowed him to steal the
2004 elections even for a second time (especially considering his
opponent, fellow Bonesman Kerry, was likewise a meek ZNWO-patsy).
We know that many US
politicians have become pawns of the ZNWO, corrupted and blackmailed,
often due to sexual misbehaviour, including sodomistic and pedophilliac
acts. We know the top echelons of the US Army have fallen for the same
We know Israel
is a warmongering racist state, ruled by a vicious Zionist cabal. We
know that within this cabal some of the real perpetrators of 9/11 can
be found. We know the ZNWO has infiltrated US politics and has hijacked
the US
military in order to achieve a ‘Greater Israel’. We know Zionists hold
key positions in the White House, the Pentagon, and other executive
branches of government.
We know the Bible has deceitfully been ‘Scoffielded’.
know Christians have misleadingly been ‘enraptured’, ‘Noahided’
and ‘Zionized’; duped by a wicked occultist Babylonian-Talmudic
Pharisaic clique.
We know Freemasonry has stealthily been ‘Weishaupted’.
We know the Illuminati have been ‘Rothschielded’.
also know that all neocon warmongers (knowingly and not), in order to
fulfil the ZNWO agenda while at the same time seizing control over the
world’s most lucrative oil supplies, are able, willing, and deranged
enough to cause WWIII and plunge humanity into a nuclear war, causing
worldwide a severe energy crisis, economic disaster, and famine that
will kill most of mankind in the most horrible ways.
knowledge of economic realities is also becoming quite up to date. We
know Zionist international bankers own the stock of the Federal Reserve
Bank. We know the Federal Reserve System is nothing but a scam,
deceitfully imposed in 1913 by Zionist bankers in order to control the
money and credit of the people of the US.
know that 40% of the US national debt is owed to the Federal Reserve
Bank and that the amount of interest to be paid for this part only is
now (2006) nearing 20% of the total revenue of the federal individual
income tax.
know commercial banks have the unique criminal privilege to create nine
dollars out of nothing for lending purposes for every single dollar
they hold in reserve. We realize this spurious money gets its value
only from the labour of the people and from the pillaging of earth’s
resources. We know a part of this bogus money is lent out as easy
credit to the desperate at usurious interest rates.
know the Zionist international bankers are now ruthlessly exploiting
the labour (and devastating the natural environment) of China, India
and elsewhere, while at the same time they are deliberately ruining the
US economy and impoverishing the working class population of all other
developed countries.
know these global bankers and their ZNWO fronts such as CFR, Trilateral
Commission, Royal Institute for International Affairs, Bilderberg, and
their associated secret societies such as Masons, Skull and Bones, and
Bohemian Grove are jeopardizing the future of mankind.
warmongering, their corporate fascism, and their economic and
environmental crimes will make this world an unliveable place for all
except a few. And those few will be the Zionist international bankers
and their associates.
brings up the question many of us ask ourselves nowadays: what can be
done to stop this powerful cabal of bankers that is rapidly ruining the
future of mankind?
the time being, a useful weapon to use in this battle is information.
We all can try to awaken others by confronting them with the facts.
This is a tiny act of resistance, but feasible for everyone every day.
my venerable mother with her 85 years of age, someone who has always
put her trust in what the authorities and the main media channels told
her, has now developed a completely different view on most global
issues. This enormous change, which contradicts almost everything she
previously believed in, could only take place thanks to the fact that
she was personally informed about the atrocities of the ruling elite of
the US.
else could she come to hear about the Kay Griggs interview? Or come to
know about the ‘Franklin Cover-Up’, the ‘Finders’ case or the
‘Presidio’ case? Or come to hear about Johnny Gosh? Or Gary Caradori?
Or come to know the about the (homo) sexual blackmail operations of
Edwin Wilson and Craig Spence? Or hear about the horrifying testimonies
of Lisa and Tracey Washington, Nelly and Kimberly Webb, Alisha Owen,
Paul Bonacci, Troy Boner, Ben Johnston (former DynCorp employee), and
Margie Schoedinger? Or hear about the ‘James Guckert/Jeff Gannon’ case?
Or hear about the links between (the death of) Hunter Thompson and (the
arrests of) Rusty Nelson and Paul Bishop?
didn’t need to hear the names, but the shocking stories about all these
people and the suspicious deaths of many of them were more than
sufficient to get the message across: corrupted perverts are in charge
of the US.
and Democrats are only two sides of the same coin. Ever since the
political elite of the US became pawns of the Zionist international
bankers, the US governments and its institutions have harboured
corrupted: perverts, liars, thieves, drug smugglers, election
swindlers, satanists, pedophilic rapists, killers, war criminals,
terrorists and mass murderers, all liable for blackmail and therefore
obeying the hidden powers at the very top of the pyramid, who are in
full control of it all.
The sickening stories
of the people mentioned above and the revelations about Skull and Bones
and Bohemian Grove work best to expose the depravity of the current
American elite. However, it is their complicity in 9/11 that will most
likely become their undoing. The amount of the information obtained
from specialists and witnesses that questions, contradicts or even
ridicules the official statements on 9/11, has grown to such
proportions that it cannot be easily shoved aside or ignored any more.
the scholarly evidence and expert testimony on 9/11 clearly lead
to one conclusion only: terrorists are now in charge of the US.
everyone I meet gets to hear about this. I’m not always thanked for it,
but that won’t stop me talking about all the diabolical schemes the
ZNWO have engineered to accomplish totalitarian world control that
intends to enslave, imprison and cull humanity.
often the complete work of years of corporate media indoctrination can
be undone completely in only a little time. Understandably, it is not
always that easy to convince every single person of the evil acts of
the current US
elite. Many times it can be hard to convince people that 9/11 was an
inside job in a single conversation, but it is always easy to sow the
seeds of doubt.
people accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist, they are effectively
silenced with the reply that I’m accompanied by a rapidly growing
number of respected: journalists, technicians, jurists, politicians,
military men, diplomats, intelligence officers, etc., all of whom are
experts in their field and certainly can’t be called ‘conspiracy
power of such conversations lies in the fact that they don’t require
immediate ‘conversions’ at all. For many people even the acceptance of
the notion that Bush’s complicity in 9/11 cannot be ruled out any
longer is already a big mental step. Once inside, any such thought
can’t easily be ignored anymore. It will most likely start its own
life, find its own way and do its own work to bring about the next
step, sooner or later.
Relatives who years ago bluntly refused to believe in an US / Israeli conspiracy behind 9/11, fully agree with me now.
this regard words can be compared with plant seeds, which also need a
certain time to take effect. For instance, it takes quite some time for
the first moss to grow on seemingly indestructible concrete structures.
It’s an unpromising start, but it is this growth of moss that creates
the conditions for many other plants to follow, causing the first
miniscule cracks in the concrete. Eventually even trees will arise and
the concrete will crumble to nothing.
I perceive a growing pessimism amongst Internet authors who have for
years already been sacrificing their time, energy and even safety in
their ongoing attempt to inform the masses about the perversions,
crimes, and wicked conspiracies of the ruling elite.
indeed, the growth of ZNWO hegemony, the criminal negligence of the
corporate media, and the apathy of the masses, have often caused me to
loose my hope that the truth would ever prevail on this world.
revolutionary developments on the Internet are giving reason for hope.
The alternative news sites are not fighting a lone battle anymore in
their attempts to spread the truth among the masses. Nowadays the lies
and omissions of the main media are also relentlessly exposed on
countless blogs, forums, and all kinds of personal homepages on an
unforeseen scale.
brave Internet writers from the first hour should bear in mind they are
pioneers. Their essays resemble the moss seeds landing on concrete:
seemingly futile, but nonetheless essential for future growth.
they should realize even more is that their precious seedlings have
already created innumerable patches of thickening moss, scattered all
over the fallacious foundations of the ZNWO.
your beloved seedlings on a concrete medium is not an enviable or
encouraging task. The growth of moss will take place frustratingly
slowly, the progress will be hardly noticeable, and the desired result
can be accomplished only after a lengthy process.
it should be encouraging to see all signs indicating this lengthy
process is nearing completion. Many patches of moss have turned into
soft and fertile beds; nourishing the first miniature plants that have
settled on them. Clusters of these beds have arisen everywhere,
functioning as natural substrate for the bigger plants.
to the Internet this process has already evolved way beyond any
possible means of damage control by the ZNWO. The hard work of the
pioneers cannot be eradicated anymore. The truth is out there!
the horrifying truth about 9/11 will start to wake up the kind of
people who are in more appropriate positions to counteract the ZNWO
doesn’t take that many artists, thinkers, and other charismatic persons
to cause a worldwide tsunami of awareness, indignation, and anger. Not
ALL of these people can be fooled or bought by the Zionist-owned
mainstream US
news and entertainment media; neither will it be possible to ignore
these people once they start to put their full weight behind the cause.
as for journalists, politicians, military commanders, intelligence
officers, government representatives, and others in position of
responsibility, it is not much different: the ZNWO can’t control,
threaten or kill ALL of them.
going to be very hard for the ones who are not bought, bribed,
blackmailed, biased, or blind NOT to stumble over the growing pile of
facts that lead to one conclusion only: Zionist powers within the US
and Israel have orchestrated 9/11.
of us can do our bit to accelerate this process. Just as it is possible
to awake the people close to us, so it is possible to wake up the kind
of people needed to win this battle.
all can send e-mails asking them to do their own research on the
Internet so they can find out themselves about the broad variety of
have been an inside job.
underestimate this seemingly futile way of resistance, this tiny little
thing that all of us can do. As nature tells us in many ways: it is the
smallest things that harbour the greatest powers.
Rumsfeld*, Cheney, Bush and all their fellow Zionist terrorists
arrested because of 9/11… followed by the arrest of all war criminals
that have sent armies to assist in illegal wars and occupations…
Wouldn’t that make the world a better place?
for a while. But for any war crimes tribunals to leave it there would
be repeating the same crucial mistake as was made after both world wars.
One cannot cure a disease by fighting its symptoms. In committing their war crimes and terrorist acts, Bush et al have
been merely the obedient and replaceable servants of their masters; the
Zionist international bankers, the real engineers and profiteers of
war. As long as we keep on allowing these warmongering parasites to
entangle humanity in their financial web, a horrific and short future
will await our descendants.
The facts concerning 9/11 will offer humanity the opportunity to cure itself of the disease it still suffers from so severely.
This is our very last chance to achieve a viable future for our children.
Message to the ZNWO bankers, war criminal Bush and their collaborators:
You who deny us our prosperity,
you who deny us our family life by making us work longer and harder for less,
you who deny our children their mothers’ care,
you who deny our disabled and elderly decent care and dignity,
who imprison our children for the enjoyment of a harmless herb that has
already served humanity well for thousands of years while at the same
time allowing the pharmaceutical mafia to drug them with the worst kind
of mind-destroying chemicals,
you who deny poverty-stricken farmers viable seeds while promoting harmful GM crops for corporate profit,
you who deny us our health so we can be robbed and poisoned by the pharmaceutical mafia,
you who put stupefying, mind-dulling, and physically damaging neurotoxins like and Aspartame and MSG in our food and drinks,
who are about to deny us beneficial concentrations of food supplements
like coenzyme Q10, Omega-3 fatty acids, herbal preparations, and
beneficial quantities of our vitamins and minerals, while adding a
variety of toxic chemicals to our food and drinks so we will die before we grow old enough to collect our social security and pensions,
you who poison our drinking water with the highly toxic mind-destroying agent fluoride,
who poison our air with chemtrails containing pathogens (name derived
from the Greek language, meaning ‘birth of pain’.), like crystallized
(‘weaponized’) mycoplasma, a disease agent causing illnesses like AIDS,
Alzheimer's disease, Crohn's colitis, chronic fatigue syndrome,
fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid
arthritis, Type I diabetes, Wegener's disease (and as it seems, the
very scary and obviously manmade Morgellons disease),
you who engineer and spread diseases to cull humanity,
you who create divisions amongst the people to fool them into sending their children to the frontlines of your engineered wars,
you who masterminded 9/11,
you who allowed it to happen,
you who have destroyed Life in Iraq and Afghanistan for the next 4.5 billion years with Depleted Uranium,
you who deny us our clean air, clean water and natural environment,
you who ruin our climate,
you who ruin the future of humanity,
you who ruin this planet,
I have a message for all of you:
The days when you were able to hide your heinous crimes, terrorist acts and perversities are over.
In these digital days you can’t pull a clumsy 9/11 job anymore without being exposed to the masses. The analogue days of Pearl Harbour, the sinking of The S.S. Sussex, the Gulf of Tonkin, and Operation Northwoods have long gone.
9/11 marked the beginning of your end. The truth is spreading among the people and can’t be suppressed any longer.
You might think you’re on the verge of your victory, but your defeat is imminent.
Sruti Rasa
Contact: srutirasa@hotmail.com
This article is not copyright, feel free to spread.
statements in this article will gradually be linked with a selection of
articles and (excerpts from) essays confirming their validity.
(*) Rumsfeld, worldwide known as Mr. Aspartame.
Other names that suit him well:
Donald D.U.
He that kills by stealth.
Horseman of the Apocalypse
Finally, to make it all complete:
List of ZNWO atrocities
Latest Cons to start wars:
Pearl Harbour, Gulf of Tonkin, 9-11.
Biggest Financial Cons:
Federal Reserve, Banking system, Price of oil.
’Democracy’ at the US:
Paperclip, Operation Northwoods, Election fraud, Patriot Act, Police
terror, Prison terror, Pharmacy terror, Food industry terror, Media
manipulation, Building of concentration camps, Poverty policy,
Unemployment policy.
Future of US ’democracy’ if ‘we the people’ won’t stop this ZNWO-global bankers’ neocon-Bush control:
Economic collapse, Draft, Internet censorship, Another
self inflicted terrorist attack (probably nuclear or biological),
followed by Martial Law, Concentration camps full of civilians,
Mandatory chip implant, Civil war.
’Democracy’ Abroad:
pre-emptive wars based on fabricated causes, Depleted uranium (DU),
Napalm, Cluster bombs, Proactive pre-emptive operations groups,
Salvador Option, Mercenaries, Extreme rendering, Ghost detainees,
Torture policy.
’Democracy’ in Iraq:
Invasion Atrocities: 4.5 Billion years of omnicide as a result of DU contamination, The murder of at least 50.000 civilians (mainly women and children), Countless Iraqis seriously wounded, traumatized and handicapped for life.
Occupation Atrocities: Random
slaughter of civilians, Illegal imprisonment, Torture policy, Election
fraud, Shortage of drinking water, Acute malnutrition of children,
Collapse of healthcare, Collapse of hygiene conditions, Collapse of
infrastructure, Shortage of electricity, Mass unemployment.
Victims so far:
moderate) Climate, Natural environment, Geneva Convention, Bill of
Rights, Habeas Corpus, ‘PaperPrintProved’ elections, Objective media,
Affordable healthcare (insurance), Education, Employment.
Short Term International Results:
illegal pre-emptive wars based on fabricated causes and premeditated
lies, Global climate disasters, Global famine, Global diseases, Global
poverty, Global Gulag.
Long Term International Results if ‘we the people’ don’t stop this ZNWO-global bankers’ neocon-Bush control:
WWIII, the end of ‘civilization’, and destruction of life on earth as it we know it.
Events, conspiracies and hoaxes concerning the ZNWO not mentioned in this article:
Sinking of the Lusitania, (Zionist version of) Holocaust, MK-ULTRA, Operation Watch Tower, Operation Orwell, Lavon
Affair, Sinking of the USS Liberty, 1983 Beirut Marine Barracks
Bombing, Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City Bombing, Flight 800, 1993 WTC
bombing, the assassination of senator Wellstone and the assassination of every president who opposed the Zionist international bankers.
Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy all realized that the
only way to establish a just and peaceful society was to ensure that
the privilege of printing money was not in the hands of private
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