Original: http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/signs/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4835&p=2 2007-01-25
Link here: http://blog.lege.net/content/signs_of_the_times_2.html

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#11 Yesterday 19:35:25

From: France
Registered: 2006-01-18
Posts: 2397

Re: Leif Erlingsson Leaves Early

starsailor wrote:

You know, my first thought after reading his 'disclaimer' was "this guy's shaping himself up to be a recovering 'Cass-cult member'

Well, it's a curious thing.  I notice that the people who go on and on about being "cult survivors" are one of two types: either they are really "cult susceptible," and have succumbed to the cult of the "cult survivor" or they are claiming to be a cult survivor in order to get a following of other cult survivors.  In either case, it's all about ego. 

I'm still rather taken aback that anybody who considers themselves at all educated and capable of logic would perceive  the out and out lies and filth of the Bridges gang on GLP as any kind of example of anything HUMAN.  I guess he didn't read the threads on this forum about Bridges and HIS background in trying to start a cult and how he tried to do it by taking over our discussion group, for which he was unceremoniously booted. 

And if this guy can't see the pathology of a couple of guys spending over 6 years creating websites for defamation, and taking different roles and identities and talking to each other on a discussion board for over 100 pages, the purpose of which is to defame another person with filth and lies, then there's not much hope for him anyway.

Leif Erlingsson wrote:

I have now followed some of the threads on the Signs of the Times Forum, and have studied the same patterns there. What is so fascinating is that they make the same mistake they talk about avoiding. Tragicomical. See for example "Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes" by Andrew M. Lobaczewski, page 110, after the wavy line. The footnotes in the book, by Henri Sy and Laura Knight-Jadczyk, suggested to me that the process was already in progress. Which a deeper analysis of the Signs of the Times forum hence confirmed for me.

Very interesting that Leif refers to the paranoid psychopathy and fails to notice the most characteristic symptom of that condition which is exemplified most particularly in his "mentor," Vincent Bridges, and that symptom is in bold in the following:

Paranoid character disorders: It is characteristic of paranoid behavior for people to be capable of relatively correct reasoning and discussion as long as the conversation involves minor differences of opinion. This stops abruptly when the partner’s arguments begin to undermine their overvalued ideas, crush their long-held stereotypes of reasoning, or forces them to accept a conclusion they had subconsciously rejected before. Such a stimulus unleashes upon the partner a torrent of pseudo-logical, largely paramoralistic, often insulting utterances which always contain some degree of suggestion.

Now, notice the next part that is most important:

Utterances like these inspire aversion among cultivated and logical people, who then tend to avoid the paranoid types.

Now, one might wonder what is so dramatic about the spewing of the paranoid type that it is repellent to cultivated people?

I had a suspicion, but just to confirm that suspicion, I asked Lobaczewski about it and I was right.  The paranoid psychopath is overly prone to using filthy language.  They simply can't help it.  When their button is pushed by anyone resisting their domination, they fall into filth, mostly words relating to excretory functions.  It is as though their emotions are stuck forever at the age of two or three, the approximate age when most children are potty trained.  The paranoid psychopath is subconsciously obsessed with excretion.

In other words, one of the characteristics of the paranoid psychopath is "Potty Mouth."

Now, who does that describe?

I have a folder full of that kind of stuff from Vincent Bridges and Storm Bear Williams and their gang.  This is the material that, for Lobaczewski, confirmed the diagnosis.

Getting back to Lobaczewski and his description of the type and how it applies to Leif:

However, the power of the paranoid lies in the fact that they easily enslave less critical minds, e.g. people with other kinds of psychological deficiencies, who have been victims of the egotistical influence of individuals with character disorders, and, in particular, a large segment of young people.

This describes Leif exactly: a less critical mind that has been seriously damaged by being victimized by character disordered cult leaders. 

A proletarian may perceive this power to enslave to be a kind of victory over higher-class people and thus take the paranoid person’s side. However, this is not the normal reaction among the common people, where perception of psychological reality occurs no less often than among intellectuals.

We have certainly observed quite a bit of this in Vincent Bridges' "Cult Survivors Cult." He attracts some of the most - well - it's hard to find the right word to describe the kind of ignorant and illiterate people he has as followers and sycophants.  I once described them as "trailer trash," and that will just have to do for now even if it is a term that may not be fully understood by the European mind.

In sum then, the response of accepting paranoid argumentation is qualitatively more frequent in reverse proportion to the civilization level of the community in question, although it never approaches the majority. Nevertheless, paranoid individuals become aware of their enslaving influence through experience and attempt to take advantage of it in a pathologically egotistic manner.

And we see that Leif has accepted the paranoid argumentation.  Because, remember, the chief thing about paranoid argumentation is that it is predicated on overvalued ideas, stereotypical reasoning, subconscious rejection and selection.  In other words, Vincent Bridges could never accept the fact that he had been exposed as a liar and a hypocrite because his self-image was that of a great channel of extraterrestrial intelligences - the Ophanim - and a great teacher, and, in fact, the one chose to "Initiate the Eschaton."  When he was told that this was all a load of hooey and bunk, that all the years he had spent on Black Magic and dancing around naked in the moonlight, and that nonsense, his "over-valued" ideas of himself were "bruised" and he let loose with a stream of filth and invective that has continued for the past 6 years unabated. 

Now THAT'S a Paranoid Psychopath!

When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight it concentrates his mind wonderfully.  Samuel Johnson

He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.
-- Agamemnon; Aeschylus


#12 Yesterday 20:05:23

From: Toulouse, France
Registered: 2006-01-31
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Re: Leif Erlingsson Leaves Early

After doing some research on Mormons, I realized that Leif's inconsistency may well be inherited from Mormons.
Here is a nice review of the Mormon's story:


Note in particular the following passage about their foundator - Smith.

Smith’s consistency is also open to serious question. The final, official version of Smith’s discovery of the plates is, as we have seen, that the angel Moroni appeared and informed him how to get them. But two neighbours, the brothers Hiel and Joseph Lewis (regarded by their fellow-citizens as "truthful, honorable, Christian gentlemen") testified that in 1827, when he first began translating the alleged plates, Smith’s original story was that his mystic information was none other than the ghost of a bearded Spaniard, with his throat cut from ear to ear, and blood streaming down! Not one word about angels! (ibid. pp.335-336). Perhaps even worse, the Lewis brothers recall that, in June 1828, two years before the foundation of the Mormon Church, Joseph Smith approached their father, Rev. Nathaniel Lewis, and expressed the wish to join his denomination – the Methodist Episcopal Church. However, he was so notorious as a person of bad character that the Methodists agreed to keep him only if he agreed to submit to a disciplinary investigation and publicly renounce his fraudulent and hypocritical practices. Joseph confirmed their suspicions that his application was motivated chiefly by a desire to gain respectability by declining these conditions promptly, and having his name struck off the Methodist roll after only three days (ibid. pp.336-337). The glaring inconsistency, of course, is that according to Smith’s "divinely-inspired" autobiography in the Pearl of Great Price, God himself had already told Joseph in the first vision of 1820 that he must not join any of the existing ‘sects’, all of which were "corrupt". What business, then, had he in becoming a Methodist?

On the other hand the reverse factor may have also played the role: Leif joined mormons because his thinking was inconsistent. Like attract like.

But again, this is only my working hypothesis. Perhaps more data will come, then I will revise my hypothesis.

``And so, let me repeat: who wants to believe - let them believe. But I do not want to believe, I want to know."

          (An old philosopher in "The lost future" by K. Borun and A. Trepka, SF novel - in Polish)


#13 Yesterday 21:19:26

Al Today
Padawan Learner
From: Cornville, Ohio USofA
Registered: 2006-01-18
Posts: 77

Re: Leif Erlingsson Leaves Early

ark wrote:

But again, this is only my working hypothesis. Perhaps more data will come, then I will revise my hypothesis.

I used to be Mormon.
Perhaps I can point you to some beginning references.

http(colon)(double slash)LDS(dot)org
http(colon)(double slash)MORMON(dot)org

Of course, these are official sites and may be full of propaganda.
Before I came across the Cs material (quite by accident), I believed that Mormonism was the closest to the truth.
As compared to the other psycho-babbling controllers using religion that is…
I was also raised a Southern Baptist.
Do I hear a Halleluiah and an Amen.!?.!?.!?
But seriously…
The Mormons teach worlds without end.
If righteous, I could become like god.
As a god, I would have little spirit children and populate my own 'earth'.
I would be a GOD…
Oh, yeah baby…
Let’s not forget our mother in heaven.
As on earth as in heaven, so I was told.
She was sealed to her husband for eternity in some other land, far, far away, and so long, long ago…
Why aren’t we taught about our heavenly mother?
Our heavenly father is blasphemed all the time, yes?
Well, heavenly father loves his wife so much, and to spare her the pain he has (with us), she is not spoken of here on this earthly plane.
I used to teach this schtuff…
I’ve been in positions of leadership, stewardship, and 'authority'.
I’ve been to the temples.
I’ve participated in the ‘secret' temple 'rituals'.
I call them rituals for that is what they are…
I even have the magical undergarments to protect me.
I’ve been sealed to my family for all eternity.
A big saying is 'Families are Forever'.
With no other knowledge, being with your family forever is an enticement.
So when I 'hear' someone flaming an organized religion, I get emotional.
Hell, I quit and I need NO therapy.
The creator gave us a MIND/BRAIN to use.
And of course, listen to the little voices within.
Learn to discern and make up your own mind.
I need more patience with whiners who can’t think independently.

I used to get mad, now I'm just mildly amused.


#14 Yesterday 22:01:07

From: Toulouse, France
Registered: 2006-01-31
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Re: Leif Erlingsson Leaves Early

Al Today wrote:

So when I 'hear' someone flaming an organized religion, I get emotional.
Hell, I quit and I need NO therapy.
The creator gave us a MIND/BRAIN to use.
And of course, listen to the little voices within.
Learn to discern and make up your own mind.
I need more patience with whiners who can’t think independently.

I would add to the above: and creator gave us INTERNET. How long this gift
is going to last before being shut down - we don't know. But while it is still
with us - let's use it while we can, so that we can connect to the MIND/BRAINS of other
people who are also trying to make up their minds by thinking, reasoning,
discerning, researching and sharing their experiences and data. How better can we find
inadequacies in our knowledge if not by exposing our thoughts to the scrutiny of others,
with a similar goal: to know.

``And so, let me repeat: who wants to believe - let them believe. But I do not want to believe, I want to know."

          (An old philosopher in "The lost future" by K. Borun and A. Trepka, SF novel - in Polish)


#15 Yesterday 22:03:03

Padawan Learner
From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2006-05-01
Posts: 86

Re: Leif Erlingsson Leaves Early

The Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wrote:

We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam’s transgression.
We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.
We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel and administer in the ordinances thereof.
We believe in the same organization that existed in the Primitive Church, namely, apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth.
We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.
We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.
We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.
We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.
We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.
We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.

Comparing the SOTT forum with mormon activities is laughable in a sad way. Leif, only the 'claim' article might make sense here: worship what you want to worship. Free will for everyone, at own risk.


#16 Today 00:30:49

Leif Erlingsson
The Force is strong with this one
From: Tullinge, Stockholm, Sweden
Registered: 2006-12-24
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Re: Leif Erlingsson Leaves Early

ark wrote:

I think he will be keep the link.

Actually that image was a temporary thing, it will be replaced with a different page in Swedish when I get around to it.  That page will however keep a link to said screenshot.  So your link will remain valid.  I never remove pages.


#17 Today 03:38:43

Jedi General
From: Edmonton, AB
Registered: 2006-01-17
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Re: Leif Erlingsson Leaves Early

Leif Erlingsson wrote:

ark wrote:

I think he will be keep the link.

Actually that image was a temporary thing, it will be replaced with a different page in Swedish when I get around to it.  That page will however keep a link to said screenshot.  So your link will remain valid.  I never remove pages.

Leif, you have said, "The discussions at [your forum] remind [you] a lot about those [with Vincent Bridges]." Does it mean anything to you that even Lobaczewski sees that Bridges is a "paranoid psychopath"? What does that say about YOUR discussion group?

What similarity, exactly, do you see between the two discussions? Is it simply the fact that both purport to expose cults?

Last edited by hkoehli (Today 03:52:10)

If we only knew the plans they have for us. - The Mars Volta


#18 Today 08:29:44

From: Toulouse, France
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Re: Leif Erlingsson Leaves Early

hkoehli wrote:

What similarity, exactly, do you see between the two discussions? Is it simply the fact that both purport to expose cults?

I don't think Leif is particularly "evil". He is simply sometimes misguided.

He wrote: "I never remove pages. " And yet this is not true. He has removed a page from his life: LDS. And that was good. But it took for him a while. Similarly, it may take for him a while to see his error now.

In 1990 Leif wrote

jpr...@jove.cs.pdx.edu (James Price) writes:
>    The Urantia Book is a unique book in the history of our planet. This
>book is a book of divine revelation, sent to us to aid in relieving the
>incredible confusion regarding diety on Earth...

Reminds me of the story behind the books "A Course in Miracles".
These books, this course, was also dictated from someome not physically
here. It also mentions Jesus a whole lot. It also has a whole lot of
truth in it.

But regardless of the fact that these books, The Urantia Book and
A Course in Miracles both contain truth not found in, say the Bible,
I have a strong feeling that they are given us to confuse us.
That Satan has more than a finger into this.

Most of what you related seems perfectly believable from my religious
perspective ("Mormonism"), but one detail rings false:

>                     ... This incarnation was a culmulation of a series
>of seven incarnations ...

But I will not say that I know it to be false. It could also be that my
knowledge is incomplete in this matter. But I would be very cautious when
reading The Urantia Book. I have myself A Course in Miracles at home, and
I feel the same way about it: tread carefully!

In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we are taught that Satan
will give us 20 truths if he can sell 1 lie that way. The above may be a
case of 200 truths and less than 10 lies. So read it if you feel like it,
but don't accept it just because most of it sounds true!

which is a mixture of a good and rational thinking and a totally misguided thinking ("my religious perspective").

Leif even seems to have a sense of humor of his own: See =Gospel Doctrine Class a' la' Leif Erlingsson

Another point: while reading about mormonism, I have found this:

The founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, was born in Vermont in 1805. As a youth Smith is described by Mormons as "honest and sincere, devout and intelligent...humbly seeking the truth."3 According to other sources, however, he was "a poorly educated, superstitious youth" who "made extensive use of divining rods and peek stones" as he accompanied his father on expeditions in search of buried treasure.4 As a young man he was much involved in various psychic and occult activities. Objective investigators have concluded that he was probably a teenage psychopath:

"In his self-hypnosis, ideas from the subconscious replaced critical thinking. His abnormal temperament revealed itself in a capacity for clairvoyance. Repeated experiments in this pressed clear, conscious thinking more and more into the background, and the dividing line between the real world of the senses and the world of dreams disappeared almost completely."5

I wonder what kind of people are being attracted by a psychopath? Probably all kinds. But why?

``And so, let me repeat: who wants to believe - let them believe. But I do not want to believe, I want to know."

          (An old philosopher in "The lost future" by K. Borun and A. Trepka, SF novel - in Polish)


#19 Today 09:37:35

Padawan Learner
From: USA
Registered: 2006-02-19
Posts: 94

Re: Leif Erlingsson Leaves Early

It is weird that he praises Lobachewsky's book yet critisizes Laura and Ark's take on his concepts.  Of all people, they have studied the issue in depth and have communicated with the author -- you'd think they would be in a good position to understand it.   

How people have said in the past, 'the C's are great and full of wisdom, but Laura doesn't get it'?  Come to think of it, VB was doing the same thing in the beginning of his harassment of Laura and Ark -- clearly to draw that type of person in hi orbit.   I remember that he grabbed C's transcripts and posted them on his site, pointing out the 'discrepancies' and 'editing' by Laura -- as if those actually existed, and as if it was his business to begin with. 

There is a certain subset of people, who think of themselves as critical and cautious, yet are prone to accepting 'abstract' printed word without questioning,  and failing to connect it with somebody's personal research, opinion and prospective.  Any strong individuated personality is simply theatening to such people, perhaps because they have been burned before by charismatic cult leaders or suchlike .  This is Leif's issue, I believe.

The question is not whether the UFOs exist, but what the !@#$ they are doing here wink

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#20 Today 11:10:41

From: Toulouse, France
Registered: 2006-01-31
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Re: Leif Erlingsson Leaves Early

If so, then this is the same phenomenon as in the one in the quoted passage about Smith:

"In his self-hypnosis, ideas from the subconscious replaced critical thinking. His abnormal temperament revealed itself in a capacity for clairvoyance. Repeated experiments in this pressed clear, conscious thinking more and more into the background, and the dividing line between the real world of the senses and the world of dreams disappeared almost completely.

Fear of critical thinking. What C's or Lobaczewski said is something to "believe", but to discuss it critically, research it, to draw conclusions, to develop it or to abandon it, when new data come and necessitate corrections, to take it is a starting point for further research rather than as a definite answer, to allow doubt, to admit that we all may know next to nothing - is a "no-no" for this kind of people. The best word to describe this particular thread of a character is perhaps: self-importance. Of course the next question is: where it comes from? Is it inborn? Or is it learned? Or both: there is an inborn tendency that (bu pure chance or not) meets with a particular environment?

``And so, let me repeat: who wants to believe - let them believe. But I do not want to believe, I want to know."

          (An old philosopher in "The lost future" by K. Borun and A. Trepka, SF novel - in Polish)


Read commentary by Leif Erlingsson, 2007-01-27, not on the Signs of the Times Forum, at THIS LINK.  It is posted there but not on the Signs of the Times Forum, since the initiative to post lot's of offlist stuff on the SOTT forum never were my own in the first place.  I.e., I'm refusing to be manipulated into a 'dance' I never asked for.

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