Original: http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/signs/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4835&p=1 2007-01-29 logged in as Leif Erlingsson
Link here: http://blog.lege.net/content/signs_of_the_times__banned.html
Screen dump: Of the below, from the original, 2007-01-29.
(It's a PNG image, so click the lower/right corner of the image for 100%)

High Technical Excellent Taste and Flavor!

  • Logged in as Leif Erlingsson
  • Last visit: Yesterday 03:23:28


You are banned from this forum.

Please direct any inquiries to the forum administrator at jason@cassiopaea.com.

Read commentary by Leif Erlingsson, 2007-01-27, not on the Signs of the Times Forum, at THIS LINK.  It is posted there but not on the Signs of the Times Forum, since the initiative to post lot's of offlist stuff on the SOTT forum never were my own in the first place.  I.e., I'm refusing to be manipulated into a 'dance' I never asked for.

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Copy of this thread BEFORE the banning.

Screen dump: Before Moderator Editing, 2007-01-23.
(It's a PNG image, so click the lower/right corner of the image for 100%)

The beginning of the above page,

Screen dump: After I was banned, 2007-01-29.
(It's a GIF image sent by one of my highly amused friends,
so click the lower/right corner of the image for 100%

HERE FOLLOWS a copy of moderator edits as of 2007-01-29 of thread subject and of my post (that I no longer can delete, nor edit, since I'm banned (for asking the people causing the confusion to tidy up their own mess - an idea I'm supposedly too stupid to have thought out on my own, so their latest fantasy is that I'm being coached -- check out page 5 smile)) follows below:

In case you wonder why I'm doing this, the cult has a ready answer: "To feed my 'narcissistic supply'". smile

Myself, I'd say because it is a little amusing -- even Carlos Castaneda (e.g. in "Fire from Within") et al teaches to have fun with the predator, and because the psychological responses from the SOTT team, being relatively condensed, can later be used to illustrate a system of denial.

High Technical Excellent Taste and Flavor!

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#1 2007-01-15 10:26:01

Leif Erlingsson
From: Tullinge, Stockholm, Sweden
Registered: 2006-12-24
Posts: 3

Leif Erlingsson's Post Mormon Cult

Forum Administrator wrote:

The following post appeared in this forum as a seemingly "innocent" attempt at networking.  The reader will also note that the poster later added a note that reflects some sort of "shift" in attitude.  None of this is as simple as the poster presents it, since there was a great deal behind not only this initial post, but the later events that played out in respect of it which only came out bit by bit.  In the end, it proves to be a very good example of the covert and egotistic maneuvers of an online predator who says one thing but means something exactly opposite.

Slightly less than a year ago, as a result of my attempts at decoding a reality causing the Iraq War and 911, my copy of "911 The Ultimate Truth" arrived in my mail.  This was my first interaction with esoterica.  And what a wakeup.  Anyway, my blog has links to Signs of the Times, Quantum Future Group Bookstore, the Ponerology: The Science of Evil blog, etc.  My blog is more directed at an Swedish audience not quite as esoteric, so while I've pushed for the Ponerology book, otherwise I keep a fairly low profile on the esoteric stuff.  It is intended as an help/resource for people who are starting to question media- and political reality.


As for myself, I have read many more books related to "The Work", including Adventures and so far Book 1 of the Wave series.  I do have some thoughts related to that, but more on that later, and in a different thread.

UPDATE 2007-01-23:  The above blog will not continue to recommend Laura Knight Jadczyk, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, Cassiopaea/Quantum Future School(QFS)/Signs of the Times , Lisa Guliani, "Victor Thorn" (Scott Makufka), Wing TV.

If you wish to censor this - then please delete this entire thread.

As a recovered mormon, I recognized a trifle too much of the manipulation experienced there, and the manipulation going on here.  It's not the facts, it's the psychological mind-games...  It's the projecting.  If you care to find out, look at "The Pattern of the Double-Bind in Mormonism" by Marion Stricker at http://exmormon(dot)org/pattern/  -  especially study the "MASTER CHART: Description of Stages in the Pattern" at the end of http://exmormon(dot)org/pattern/nature.htm

But even "Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes" by Andrew M. Lobaczewski can be used to decode what is going on here.  Compare what's in the book with the comments made by Henri Sy and Laura Knight-Jadczyk.  The clues are like an open book for all who refuse to shut their eyes to it.  I can be reached at [Moderator: email address edited out. This forum is not the place for advertising. Moreover, public display of email addresses is an invitation for spammers, and we do not want to contribute to this.] .  This will be censored within minutes.... wink

Last edited by Leif Erlingsson (2007-01-23 14:13:56)





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