Wednesday, June 5. 2024
Skrivet 2015-02-09 01:38:55+01:00 men lika aktuellt, eller kanske MER aktuellt, i dag:
"Det nuvarande stats-systemet är ett statiskt tillstånd där bokstavsfundamentalism råder genom jurister som såsom moderna Talmud präster/Rabbis läser LAGEN aka. Svensk Författningssamling. "Det står i LAGEN". Talmud är förresten också rättspositivistisk lag. Det är så mycket där som inte det minsta har att göra med om du har skadat någon, utan zillioner idiotiska förhållningsregler som någon potentat som vill bestämma över dina minsta steg har bestämt över ditt huvud. Och så lite pedofeli på det. Som alltså är godkänd där. ( )
Motsatsen till rättspositivistisk lag - den lag som används för att manipulera och styra människor för att uppnå lagstiftarens målsättningar som inte nödvändigtvis är i harmoni med de styrdas målsättningar och därför ej heller nödvändigtvis är i harmoni med de styrdas rättigheter - är så kallad negativ lag. Sådan lag handlar om att du inte får orsaka annan skada. Det är enligt negativ lag endast när du orsakat skada som du kan dömas. I princip är det den du har skadat som har sak mot dig, med undantag för när du har dödat, då det måste vara en anhörig e.d..
Det finns inget hinder mot att frivilligt avtala om begränsningar, men om det helt säkert ska vara i harmoni med dina rättigheter så måste det vara avtal ingångna under full öppenhet om villkoren och under full frivillighet. Annars är det slaveri, vilket även om det är maskerat är vad samhället i dag går ut på.
Vårt nuvarande system har dessutom självdiskrediterat sig genom att skita i att ta ansvar. Därför har det blivit nödvändigt att kapa systemet vid dess rötter, den grundläggande legitimiteten. Denna den juridiska aspekten av slavsystemet är ju dessutom intimt sammanflätad med den ekonomiska aspekten; bankparasitismen. Apokalypsen i betydelsen det stora avslöjandet kräver att det så kallade rättssystemet avslöjas som de institutionella mobbare åt ett genomkriminellt system de är. Grundlagen anger att tjänstemän inkl. i rättssystemet ska tjäna högre rättsprinciper om det påkallas. Mänskliga Rättigheter går före allt vad nationell lagstiftning heter men ingen svensk domstol bryr sig det minsta om högre rättsprinciper, allt handlar om att såsom moderna Talmud Rabbis "nita folk"."
Friday, May 31. 2024
Judge Jeanine: This is a gut punch to the criminal justice system
LegeNet, 5/31/24 7:17 AM UTC
{ Click above for video. } |
Transcoded Mirror of
Judge Jeanine: This is a gut punch to the criminal justice system
Fox News 191415 views 2024-05-31 06:42 UTC
Published 30 May 2024
Duration: 00:03:29.72, 1280x720
Transcoded Size: 9.6 MiB / 9 982 114 bytes
Fox News co-host Judge Jeanine Pirro says Americans are 'no longer safe anymore' following the Trump verdict.
Complete Transcript below.
LegeNet, 5/31/24 7:18 AM UTC
In reply to LegeNet
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LegeNet, 5/31/24 7:34 AM UTC
In reply to LegeNet
[ File : Judge_Jeanine_This_is_a_gut_punch_to_the_criminal_justice_system…pdf ]
263 pages of comments, downloaded at the same time as the video itself.
{ Click above for image. } |
Found guilty on all 34 counts.
Drop 34 for your consideration.
Sunday, February 18. 2024
( Censoring hate speech a weapon of war in the currently ongoing #5GUW )
4 februari 2006, :
Undermedvetet bortval
Dr. Lobaczewski lär oss i sin bok om hur ett samhälle vänder rationaliteten ryggen - "Politisk Ponerologi" - att när vanan att göra undermedvetna urval och utbyten av tankedata har spridit sig till den makrosociala nivån så utvecklar samhället ifråga ett förakt för kritik byggd på fakta och förnedrar envar som slår larm. Förakt visas även gentemot andra nationer som har behållt ett normalt rationellt tankesätt, liksom för deras åsikter. Egoistisk tanketerrorism genereras av samhället självt och dess processer av "omvandlingstänkande". Jag har själv sett massor av exempel på detta i min egen epost inbox. Detta onödiggör i detta steg av processen behov av censur i media, teater, etc, då patologiskt hyperkänsliga censorer bor inom medborgarna själva. Jag var själv fram till för några år sedan på detta sätt min egen censor. När allt centreras kring självets behov i samhället så försvagas sociala band och ansvar och samhället bryts till sist upp i sinsemellan alltmer fientliga grupper. När en hysterisk omgivning till sist slutar att göra åtskillnad på åsikter från begränsade, inte helt normala människor, och åsikter från normalt rationella personer så öppnar detta slussportarna för aktivering av patologiska faktorer av olika slag. Om ett samhälle inte lyckas att övervinna det hysteriska tillståndet så kan en stor blodig tragedi bli resultatet. En variant på en sådan tragedi är att en så kallad patokrati skapas. Det är min tro att en sådan patokrati styr en stor del av världen i dag - säkert USA men troligen flera europeiska länder också. ("Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes", Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Ph.D. (psychology).)
28 mars 2023, , Lin Biao's Curse of Trans! He built the Weapon!
Saturday, February 17. 2024
The Illegal Kidnapping and Persecution of Reiner Fuëllmich and a highly interesting lesson in German law history through a Current statement of Reiner regarding his trial.
LegeNet, 2/17/24 2:23 AM UTC
Forwarded from Reese Report, 2/13/24 1:17 PM UTC
The Illegal Kidnapping and Persecution of Reiner Fuëllmich
{ Click above for video. } |
Duration: 00:05:18.87, 1280x720
Transcoded Size: 17 MiB / 17 607 279 bytes
LegeNet, 2/17/24 3:42 PM UTC
In reply to LegeNet
Highly interesting lesson in German law history:
Astrid Stuckelberger PhD MSc, 2/14/24 2:47 AM UTC
Forwarded from Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺, 2/14/24 1:23 AM UTC
Current statement of Reiner regarding his trial.
{ Click above for video. } |
Duration: 00:16:20.91, 1280x720
Transcoded Size: 19 MiB / 18 930 412 bytes
LegeNet, 2/17/24 3:42 PM UTC
Forwarded from Astrid Stuckelberger PhD MSc, 2/14/24 2:48 AM UTC
🚨 Audio of Intl Lawyer Reiner Füllmich reporting in his own words, in English after the 2 hearings in court (still in preventive detention):
“[…] So at the beginning of the main proceedings the atmosphere was dramatically turned so that for a long time there was no possibility for me to present my version of the story, so that even the Staatsanwalt (district attorney / prosecutor) noticed that something absolutely was not right.
So after one year and 3 months of doing things secretly and damaging my chance to speak because he was under pressure from the Berliner authorities, as he was threatened, if you give space to him, then we need to withdraw the charges.
After that happened and I did, despite this, come to be able to speak, and also our lawyers were given enough space to tell our story, they noticed something was not right.
So here are two narratives or 2 stories side by side, one from Justus Hoffman with the others going along, that Reiner Fuellmich took millions, 58% of the funds, to live well. He did that secretly, behind our backs.
My version is that Viviane and I did have actual expenses which we took from the expense account.
We did that as the business leaders of the Corona Committee, as the only ones who cared about the business of the Corona Committee. In order to avoid what happened to Bhakti, because if our funds were seized, as happened to him, then we could not have continued with the Corona Committee, because we would not have had the means.
Therefore we openly, not secretly as claimed, withdrew money, and that is all in the books of the Corona Committee. And the court can see that.
Also I have always been ready and also in a position to return the money because I had enough real estate, like the house that was already planned to be sold at the end of 2020. That would have brought in 1,350,000 Euros, so that the 700,000 could easily be repaid that I took from the Corona Committee.
My version is that Viviane and I did have actual expenses which we took from the expense account. We did that as the business leaders of the Corona Committee, as the only ones who cared about the business of the Corona Committee. In order to avoid what happened to Bhakti, because if our funds were seized, as happened to him, then we could not have continued with the Corona Committee, because we would not have had the means.
Therefore we openly, not secretly as claimed, withdrew money, and that is all in the books of the Corona Committee. And the court can see that.
Also I have always been ready and also in a position to return the money because I had enough real estate, like the house that was already planned to be sold at the end of 2020. That would have brought in 1,350,000 Euros, so that the 700,000 could easily be repaid that I took from the Corona Committee.
But that did not work because Justus Hoffman and his cohorts with their betrayal and pressure on the buyer and, so it is turning out they took away these exact funds.
It does not matter if they were the exact bank notes. That is irrelevant.
I believe we can prove this. In fact, I am absolutely sure that the witnesses who will be testifying will verify our version of the story. And if that is what is shown then the cards will need to be mixed once more, to see who needs to be facing a prison sentence.”
It looks rather good, things could be turning around and the real criminals revealed …👏🏻✨
Additional Resource:
Jiotas Report: Reiner's Trial, Day 1 and 2 - A report
Sunday, January 14. 2024
Laglöshet genom lagstiftning är i princip Loke som retas "Skjut guden, det är gott".
I Perun Santis vers 6-16 - Odödlighet, Baldurs död och gudarnas skymning, retas Loke i princip med "Skjut guden, det är gott". (Perun Santis är en del av de arisk-slaviska vedorna och består av totalt 144 verser). Vi är nu tillbaka där det gick fel i världens begynnelse, när den fallna världen blev till, och vi måste nu hantera denna energi och den här gången göra rätt. De som vill kontrollera andra och de som vill bli kontrollerade av andra måste förgås, annars kommer de att fortsätta att blanda sig i levande kötts göranden och låtanden som agenter (= dött kött) för främmande intelligens, fjärrstyrda.
Jag fick en scannad version av advokaten Lennart Hane's LAGLÖSHET GENOM LAGSTIFTNING — DEN SVENSKA VÄGEN TILL TOTALITARISMEN, hållen den 29 januari 1984 på Park Hotel i Stockholm vid Stiftelsen Familjekampanjens informationsdag. Den var ursprungligen skrivmaskinskriven. Efter mycket arbete finns nu en manuellt upprättad OCR'ad version. Reflekterade under det arbetet att det är helt otroligt så jag genom åren trott mig ha upptäckt det som redan var formulerat här. En oerhört viktig text. Och jag reflekterade åter över det sorgliga i att folket utbildats till att vara laglösa enligt lag i verklig bemärkelse, den både jag förstår och han förstod. Så om man tillämpar lag på detta folk av laglösa, då uppfattar de det som ett angrepp. "Mobilisera, vi utsätts för ett angrepp från Lag".
{ PDF version av denna sida, klicka. Fungerar ej från själva PDF:en, men denna notis syns ändå även där. }
LegeNet, 14 januari 2024.
Redogörelse över lagstiftarens angrepp på familjen
under den så kallade familjepolitiken
Särtryck av föredrag av advokaten Lennart Hane vid Stiftelsen Familjekampanjens informationsdag den 29 januari 1984 på Park Hotel i Stockholm
En partisk domstol är ett värre ont än nidingsdåd
Där lagen icke vakar är domaren Din
fiende och värnlös
Din hals mot honom sträckes fram.
Derzjavin {… fortsätter, klicka här.}
Thursday, December 28. 2023
| Denna text visar varför jag alls började driva frågan kring vad person är, samt ställer viktiga frågor till fortfarande ansvariga för vad som ser ut att vara mycket allvarliga övergrepp.
av LegeNet, 2023-12-28 enligt den västerländska kultens tidräkning
Jag har tagit del av professor emeritus Jacob W. F. Sundbergs Exkurs ur hans 'Resan utan mål' från 1994, som är en berättelse från insidan av makten över vad som ses som lag och rätt i Sverige under 1900-talet om hur idéer om suveräna rättigheter pendlade fram och tillbaka. Det har varit en kamp mellan naturrättstankar och "du ska göra som vi säger" tankar i det här landet. Vissa ansåg och anser säkert fortfarande att det inte finns något sådant som rättigheter. "Svenskismen", som Ola Alexander benämner denna -ism. Att det en gång i tiden gick lite fram kan förklara varför saker och ting inte är helt under isen i dag. Karriäristerna följde, för att summera, "överordnades riktningspekare" och tystade och lät inte komma till tals röster "de överordnade" ej ville veta av. Också intressant att redan i den texten se modus operandi som återkommer i andra länder med att sätta upp olika rättighetsrörelser som i själva verket är till för att sätta stopp för bra tankar och saker.
Den nuvarande nedan publiceringen är alltså menad att skapa vidare förståelse för varför en frågan om person överhuvud taget drivs. Person, nexus osv. osv. är endast av intresse på grund av att oförytterliga rättigheter ej förstås eller respekteras. Det behöver ibland uttryckas, annars avfärdas alltihop som stålletänkande. Vissa menar också att vi avhänder oss rättigheter genom dessa nexus. Om det är kontrakt där båda är helt införstådda med vad man går med på och där det finns ett flertal alternativa kontraktspartners att välja på där minst några av dessa har villkor som inte är orimliga. Kanske då. Men orsaken att jag gillar ordet oförytterliga är just att det i sig har värderingen att det ej går att avyttra / bortkontraktera. Jag noterade med glädje att professor emeritus Jacob W. F. Sundberg också använder just detta ord, helt garanterat för att han mycket väl förstår vad jag förstår. På Engelska använder jag ordet unalienable trots att det påstås vara en tidigare stavning av inalienable, just för att delen "un" har samma värdering att det ej går att avyttra / bortkontraktera. Det var också stavningen unalienable som användes när Förenta Staterna bildades.
Det finns ingen preskriptionstid för slaveri.
Om Marcus Werner vill mena att en omprövning som avser slaveri måste ske senast inom två månader, se överklagandedelen, så har han fel.
Han hänvisar bl.a. till inkomstskattelag (1999:1229) (IL) (finns på ) och i hans hänvisning står det om Fysiska personer som är obegränsat skattskyldiga. Att vara obegränsat skattskyldig är att vara slav. Bara för att andra ord används ändras ej innebörden. Hela mitt eget arbete i att rota i vad en "person" är inleddes på grund av detta svar. Det finns hur mycket som helst om att en person är en roll, något en man eller kvinna kan använda. Jag kommer ihåg att jag verkligen sökt en definition för begreppet Fysisk person utan att någonsin kunna finna begreppet definierat. "Det finns inga fysiska personer, begreppet är odefinierat, och därför helt rättslöst. ("Makt är rätt" av LegeNet 2015-09-03 15:00, .) Dock agerar Marcus Werner med flera som om Fysiska personer skulle vara män och kvinnor, alltså som om män och kvinnor skulle vara slavar. Om Marcus Werner och tidigare och nuvarande generaldirektörer såsom Ingemar Hansson med flera män och kvinnor som agerar beslutsfattare vill mena att män och kvinnor genom nexus till fysisk personer, som i sin tur har nexus till diverse tvångsåligganden, att män och kvinnor skulle ha dessa åligganden i kraft av att deras fysiska personer anses ha det, då är detta slaveri. Anser Marcus Werner och tidigare och nuvarande generaldirektörer att män och kvinnor skulle ha dessa åligganden i kraft av att deras fysiska personer anses ha det? | |
… Texten fortsätter … … __samt_staller_viktiga_fragor_till_fortfarande_ansvariga _for_vad_som_ser_ut_att_vara_mycket_allvarliga_overgrepp/
Thursday, December 21. 2023
Stefan Ratzeburg,
Dear people in Germany and around the world!
After thousands of years of manipulation by the enemies of humanity, the truth is now
beginning its triumphal march.
The truth is neither like champagne, nor like cola, it is
pure cold clear water.
It is everywhere, but sometimes so unspectacular and modest,
it is in all of us,
it is in every soulful life.
Thanks to all the truth fighters!!!
The battle for truth is much more powerful, more important and more protracted,
than many of us had perhaps long believed!
Because the oppression of humanity was not just about wars and physical coercion,
no: for thousands of years it was about the sovereignty of interpretation.
In the absence of real sovereign rights, the enemies of humanity struggled for
the sovereignty of interpretation.
Whoever has the sovereignty of interpretation moulds reality like wax into the existing laws, he does not care about the
laws of those who have the real sovereign rights, and of those who, in harmony with the cosmic laws of creation,
live in their true rights
as human beings.
Speaking the truth is currently defined as hate speech, and this can then be prosecuted.
With this simple trick of enforcing the sovereignty of interpretation across the board, which requires a network of
stupid recipients of orders,
the whole world was believed to be under control.
In 1871, the year of Earth's misfortune, not only was the true holder of the real Sovereign Rights of the King of Prussia, my ancestor Karl Friedrich Ratzeburg, murdered and
proclaimed the foundation of the German Reich with Wilhelm I as German Emperor, it was also the year the UPU was founded.
Initially, it was only necessary to establish global rules as to what should be done with a letter or parcel,
a post-vessel so to speak, and what to do with its contents.
At a later point in time, one could then define - sovereignty of interpretation - what a post-vessel is?
Earth itself can finally also be defined as such with the content: people, … everything.
Combine the usurpation of the sovereignty of interpretation, which was simply stolen from the people,
with an excellent counterfeiting industry,
the possibilities must be endless!
(A well-known and important example of this is the Donation of Constantine).
The indigenous peoples of the world were dealt with through forced missionary work and forced baptism, by
creating an internal body of laws to which they then belonged through baptism.
{ New Page}
By declaration, an unwanted king was simply redefined as a tyrant.
Now the people were even obliged by the given laws to fight him.
When was he no longer a King, no longer a Sovereign? When he lost his dignity.
It was easy to manipulate here.
We have seen in recent years how much it went against the dignity of the people, i.e. against their sovereignty.
The CONCEALMENT OF TRUTH became total.
But those who want and seek the truth will find it.
The deception is great, but we, the soulful human beings, also receive help.
For the truth comes from the divine.
And within us, it defies the widespread bombardment of misinformation, false information and malicious
The truth is now coming out, also for Germany!
The truth will inevitably reveal itself.
The true history of Germany, humanity and Earth will be returned to us!
And I thank these people,
who wanted to tell me the truth and paid such a high price for it!
I thank all the people who carry the truth in their hearts and
protect it!
The real Prussian Royal Eagle wears the crown on its head,
it is without the red velvet of the Vatican.
The imperial orb and the sceptre are purely a clear expression of the spirit of the people,
and not a sign of the enemies of humanity.
Truth goes to the four winds,
whoever stands in its centre
is sovereign.
The soulful human beings are now also taking back the power of interpretation.
With the Bulla of Earth of the third of December 2022, every single person is
is given an i n d i v i d u a l right to resist.
Never again does he or she have to bow to the collective, the gateway of the enemies of mankind by means of
control through a collective, total sovereignty of interpretation.
He is committed only to the truth
and to the highest divine cosmic laws,
his conscience.
And so it only remains for me to
wish us all a festive and merry Christmas.
Our ancestors, the heavenly armies stand behind us.
Stefan Ratzeburg
At the winter solstice 2023
offizieller Telegram-Kanal:
Monday, December 11. 2023 Deep_Dive_into_the_Depopulation_Agenda/
Dr. David Martin plus Jim Ferguson and Money Penny, Deep Dive into the Depopulation Agenda.
LegeNet, 12/10/23 10:15 PM UTC
{ Click above for video. } |
Perfect short video on anti Trust violations leading to Murder
Robin Monotti 💎 @robinmonotti Last edited 7:36 PM · Dec 9, 2023 UTC
The WHO is a depopulation organisation and that has been its primary role since inception. The coronavirus was released as a means to an end: depopulation via vaccinations.
Oracle Films 💎 @OracleFilmsUK Last edited 5:47 PM · Dec 9, 2023 UTC
“I didn’t call it a bio-weapon – did I?”
- Dr David Martin @DrDMartinWorld
Fact-checkers, have at it.
Duration: 00:10:05.64, 960x540
Transcoded Size: 19 MiB / 19 027 352 bytes
LegeNet, 12/10/23 11:09 PM UTC
{ Click above for video. } |
Transcoded Mirror of
BannonsWarRoom Dr. Naomi Wolf: "The injections have an ingredient in them that is causing frameshifting"
Duration: 00:16:14.78, 1920x1080
Transcoded Size: 79 MiB / 82 815 934 bytes
Stay ahead of the censors - Join us
Aired On: 12/8/2023
On the Web:
On Gettr: @WarRoom
On Podcast: Apple, iHeart Radio, Google
On TV: PlutoTV Channel 240, Dish Channel 219, Roku, Apple TV, FireTV or on . #news #politics #realnews
‼️ This video, , is linked to in the next post. ‼️
LegeNet, 12/10/23 11:09 PM UTC
Jim Ferguson 💎 @JimFergusonUK Last edited 12:36 PM · Dec 10, 2023 UTC
Alert: Global Shockwave: Leaked Data Sparks Fears of a Covert War Against Humanity
As a whirlwind of staggering revelations emerges from the data leak in New Zealand, a chilling question echoes across the globe: Was there an intentional scheme to decimate vast populations worldwide?
The mere contemplation of such a scenario sends shivers down the spine. If this turns out to be true, it signifies a war against humanity itself, a notion as horrifying as it is profound. The accumulating data, coupled with the alarming rate of global excess deaths, seems to lend weight to this dark hypothesis as we delve deeper into the mounting evidence.
A poignant discussion between Dr. Naomi Woolf and Steve Bannon, a former advisor to President Trump, delves into this unsettling topic. The video link captures their intense dialogue.
What is increasingly alarming is the growing scrutiny over whether a biological weapon of unprecedented scale has been unleashed by a cabal of globalists. A shadowy group suspected of making a grim decision to eradicate millions, perhaps even billions, of lives worldwide, a thought that is as sobering as it is petrifying.
The implications are staggering. How can humanity continue its journey unchanged, if such malevolence, eerily reminiscent of the Nazi holocaust with its extermination camps and the senseless slaughter of innocents, has indeed been perpetrated?
Should these suspicions be confirmed, the world as we know it would be irrevocably altered. A new, stark reality would dawn, marked by the heavy burden of this unspeakable evil. #WhistleBlower #NewZealand #JacindaArdern #WEF #WEF2030Agenda #DepopulationAgenda #mRNA #CovidVaccine #VaccineInjuries #ExcessDeaths #DiedSuddenly #Myocarditus #USA #Australia #NewZealand #UK #France #EU
⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Link to Video⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
‼️ The above linked Rumble video is mirrored in the previous post on this channel, . ‼️
BannonsWarRoom Dr. Naomi Wolf: "The injections have an ingredient in them that is causing frameshifting"
Duration: 00:16:14.78, 1920x1080
Transcoded Size: 79 MiB / 82 815 934 bytes
Jim Ferguson 💎 @JimFergusonUK 9:24 AM · Dec 9, 2023 UTC
Decoding the Globalist Plot: Money Penny's Deep Dive into the Depopulation Agenda and Humanity's Fight for the Future
In an intense and gripping conversation, the formidable Money Penny, once a keen-eyed financial services economist and shrewd trader, now an investigative journalist par excellence, connects with us from the heart of the UK. Her mission? To unravel the chilling truths behind the Globalist New World Order's shadowy schemes.
Is humanity under siege? Why, and most crucially, how can we counter this threat?
Battling the debilitating effects of Long Covid, Money Penny delves deeply, shedding light on the haunting plight of countless souls rendered gravely disabled by this affliction. As a key figure in the Long Covid Research Group, she's not just a researcher; she's a beacon of hope, offering invaluable support to those in need.
Her explosive findings point to a sinister concoction: an artificially created pathogen, the brainchild of top-tier scientists and medical masterminds on a global scale. Her analysis of published works paints a horrifying picture— a disease maliciously engineered, sinisterly spliced with HIV elements.
The enigmatic Dr. Fauci lurks in the shadows of this narrative. What role did he play in the controversial 'gain of function' research, and how does this tie into his interactions with the Chinese CCP?
{ … Continues … }
LegeNet, 12/10/23 11:09 PM UTC
{ … Continued … }
The plot thickens as Money Penny probes the secretive laboratories of Ukraine. What clandestine research was being conducted in those hidden halls?
The crux of the matter lies in the origins of the pandemic. Was it a mere accident, or a cold, calculated release? The evidence points to a high-stakes gamble: the unleashing of a pathogen, setting the stage for a mass vaccination drive, a scheme so diabolical it resembles a bio-weapon, crafted to decimate billions, simplifying the Globalists' twisted quest to dominate the remnants of humanity.
And then there's the World Genome Project, with their unnerving fascination with human DNA. Why this obsessive collection of global genetic data?
The Deagel Report paints a dystopian future—a depopulation agenda chilling in its precision:
By 2025, the UK's heartbeat will slow, its population plummeting from 67 million to a mere 15 million. A staggering 52 million souls, vanished.
The USA faces a similar fate, its populace dwindling alarmingly from around 300 million to just 98 million—a loss of over 200 million lives.
This pattern echoes across nations, a grim testament to a war waged not with guns and bombs, but with something far more insidious.
A war, it seems, has been declared on humanity itself.
#DepopulationAgenda #WEF #WEF2030Agenda #VaccineInjuries #mRNA #Covid #LongCovid #Myocarditus #TurboCancer #SpikeProtein #DeagelReport #USA #UK #Australia #NewZealand #BarryYoung #WhistleBlower #EU #France #GlobalResistance @nic_moneypenny
‼️ The 𝕏 video belonging to this 𝕏 is mirrored in the next post on this channel, . ‼️
Duration: 00:34:40.52, 1280x720
Transcoded Size: 86 MiB / 89 692 232 bytes
LegeNet, 12/10/23 11:09 PM UTC
{ Click above for video. } |
Decoding the Globalist Plot: Money Penny's Deep Dive into the Depopulation Agenda and Humanity's Fight for the Future
@JimFergusonUK 9:24 AM · Dec 9, 2023 UTC
In an intense and gripping conversation, the formidable Money Penny, once a keen-eyed financial services economist and shrewd trader, now an investigative journalist par excellence, connects with us from the heart of the UK. Her mission? To unravel the chilling truths behind the Globalist New World Order's shadowy schemes.
Is humanity under siege? Why, and most crucially, how can we counter this threat?
{ … More text in the above 𝕏 post, + . … }
Duration: 00:34:40.52, 1280x720
Transcoded Size: 86 MiB / 89 692 232 bytes
Wednesday, October 25. 2023
LegeNet, 10/25/23 12:30 PM UTC
All we ask for is maximal Rules of Engagement ⚡️⚡️⚡️
Ivan Raiklin 💎 @IvanRaiklin 3:55 AM · Oct 25, 2023 UTC
Congressman Johnson, I would be honored to retire as Deep State Marauder if you deputized me to enforce every single subpoena prior to my taking on a position as Secretary of Retribution January 20, 2025.
All we ask for is maximal Rules of Engagement and the ability to hire every single service member who withstood the illegal jab mandate, particularly those from tier one special operations units, as they already have swatting and raiding training as well as subject matter expertise after multiple tours of combat over the last few decades, so that spin up time will be very quick.
Standing by, sir.
Phenomenology @BerryRazi · 8h
Wow. I just read Ivan Raiklan’s open letter to @RepMikeJohnson. It’s a manifesto for justice.
LegeNet, 10/25/23 12:30 PM UTC
clif 💎 @clif_high 9:01 PM · Oct 24, 2023 UTC
The ALTA data sets, going back to 2003, had the end of the [KM] being after the temporal markers of the 'IDF taking scalps' manifests.
The data had major problems, arrests, including deaths while 'resisting' arrest, of the [KM] people, being reported in the months following the 'IDF scalping children' & 'cutting (body parts) off of Palestinian corpses'.
The data forecast a 'poster child' who is described as 'surviving being scalped'. This, and the upcoming 'Reservists run Amok' incident(s) will set global humanity against Israel, and jews by default. These Temporal Markers were shown as preceding huge, giant boycotts against all things Israeli, and Jews in general.
The data had it being so severe a backlash that corps in USA & western republics set about 'scrubbing' their ties to both Israel & jews. They specifically will be 'divesting' from Israel, & letting their jewish members of board of directors walk away. There were data sets going to corporations having to hire people to do genealogy to prove to customers that they had 'no name stealers' running their company.
The data would have this emerging as part of the 'Splits Happen' period just ahead in Dec/January.
The data had descriptions within the Israeli Mistake set of the IDF Reservists being so 'amok', and 'out of control with blood lust, that many will be charged with insubordination & war crimes by the Israeli govt/[KM] in a desperate attempt to recapture minds for israel. It will be claimed that the 'atrocities against the dead' will be caused by 'drugs', and 'exposure to chemicals/gasses' by the reservists. No one will believe the claims. They won't survive the day that they are launched.
It won't work. The data had the govt of Israel collapsing over this, as well as their military defeat, & the lost lands. The govt will fail & Israel will descend into chaos. It would seem to fit with the language now showing that is describing the 'hypernovelty' that takes over humanity by mid 2024.
The data had the Reservists doing things to the Palestinians that i would not write on this platform. It was so foul, so disgusting, that i made the decision back in 2000s to NOT report it, assuming it to be an aberration within the process.
The data back then had jews & specifically rabbi's killed in countries in Asia & calls for the 'expulsion of the jews' from several countries in the region. Other data had these SE Asian countries refusing to permit any synagogues to be built & taking away legal status from many that exist now. This will arise from the actions of the IDF Reservists over these next couple of months as they 'gleefully (in a party atmosphere) mutilate the corpses of women & children', and are filmed 'taking body part souvenirs'.
It's going to be very very hard on non-israeli, but [KM] controlled jews whose minds are still polluted by the lies about history from the [KM]. These are the 'asleep believers' who are going to get such a rude awakening that the data described this as 'causing suicides'.
The anti-zionist jews globally emerge very much stronger from this period though all humans will be suffering from what will be manifesting.
Tuesday, September 26. 2023
Re: " 18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government ". As there may be some confusion while the Military dismantle the Federal Corporation in protection of the constitution, some relevant posts by Derek Johnson ( , , , , , , ):
Bold & underline added:
RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸, 11/10/22 6:35 PM UTC
MANY of you 'giving up' because 👉🏻YOU👈🏻 (selfish, complacent, lazy, all about you and your wants and results) didn't "SEE" something happen in the Midterms. MANY of you prove why less than 1% serve in ALL Armed Force branches.
You must understand the District of Columbia has its own constitution, seal, motto, flag, etc. After the Organic Act of 1871, the United States became a Federal Corporation via 28 US Code 3002 and Stoutenburgh vs. Hennick… which defines the District its own "Foreign Territory" not a city not a state. It's almost like the saying, "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." Well, the District of Columbia's laws, orders, regulations, constitution applies to the foreign territory only by definition, but the cabal has disguised that government to many Americans to believe it applies to the whole country. It defies our Foundation, our Military Establishments in 1775, the Declaration of Independence 1776, and the Constitution of 1787. Marbury versus Madison 1803 made OUR Foundational Law very loud and clear.
District of Columbia Government:
President Trump and the World Alliance of Generals are reversing the Federal Corporation. They are taking every single law, order, and regulation the evil establishment aka the swamp created and passed for their narratives and agendas, and using it against them… making all of the evil players expose themselves to you the people.
President Trump being crowned King in Saudi Arabia, walking into North Korea, stepping in front of the Queen, standing in front of ALL world leaders at the G7 Summit, and declaring Jerusalem Capital of Israel, were just a FEW of the OPTICS to show you the people, there's CHANGE coming to the WORLD. It's a WORLD OPERATION. There's PLENTY of Optics and "evidence" for you. You must be able to discern propaganda and agenda resumes from actual government.
Bet you also did not know that Obama reversed the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 in 2012 which allowed Media to USE Propaganda as "News."
Dot GOV:
And you wonder why the U.S. looks as lazy, pathetic, complacent, spoiled, and ridiculous as we do now. To have a United States Veteran simply taking, breaking down, interpreting, and placing together in a blueprint ACTUAL Laws, Orders, Regulations from the Military and Federal Sectors that BENEFIT your life and well-being, being SLANDERED, MOCKED, RIDICULED, and DEFAMED over ACTUAL Laws and Orders you can tangibly look up, but more specifically the Military Sector.
The SAME Title 10 every United States Soldier has ever sworn in under is the SAME Title 10 President Trump Federalized the National Guard to Active Status… the SAME Constitution the evil cabal MISQUOTES, BUTCHERS, and TWISTS to fit their narratives and agendas, is the SAME Constitution patriots and Veterans like me fought and fight to protect and use the correct way which ONLY benefits EVERYONE not agendas and narratives.
The Corporation is dead. But in order to reverse a 150 year old corrupt machine and invisible regime, it does NOT decimate at your pace nor does it do so without MULTIPLE people in steady and controlled operations without one heartbeat.
It's a LOT of Information via Laws, Orders, Regulations, and Codes from Military and Federal Sectors, and only a FEW of us can piece it together as it forms a Blueprint of how the nation is in a Military Occupancy outlined in the Law of War Manual plus Laws and Orders from both sectors.
It's an OPERATION. The OPERATION did NOT start this year and it did NOT end the 8th. We did NOT need the 8th for 👉🏻Voter👈🏻 Fraud.
This Operation started in 2016. There's a Strategic Blueprint to the operation.
The FINISH LINE is NOT and was NOT these 2022 Midterms.
Newsflash: Once again, we did NOT NEED 2022 Midterm to prove 👉🏻Voter👈🏻 Fraud.
Here the italics is in the original:
RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸, 6/15/23 5:43 PM UTC
Do you know the 'Inflation Reduction Act' that "Biden" signed is actually the Taxpayer First Act (Trump Signed) incorporated into the IRA… which would be considered a National Essential Function… because the FCD1 and FCD2 plus the 5 other issues under those: February 2018, May 2020, January 2021, July 2021, and April 2023 clearly show a 'continuity' (all pun intended) of new releases and guidelines for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Government until the finish date of FCD2 which specifically shows 2024 in the Federal Register dot Gov.
Another one of those dot Gov sites that your taxpayer dollar is funding for all this "nonsense."
When the Federal Government is under a Continuity of Government, all 3 Branches of Government are to perform their ESSENTIAL functions to maintain constitutional government. That means the Constitution is on a pause and the Military is in a Military Occupancy which is found in the Law of War Manual which is the Department of Defense's guideline and handbook.
That does not mean the Military is overthrowing the government. Be careful who you follow when they say that's what we're advocating. That couldn't be farther from the truth. The Oath that every soldier takes from 10 U.S. Code 502 specifically says:
"I do solemnly swear to SUPPORT and DEFEND the CONSTITUTION of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to REGULATIONS and the UNIFORM of MILITARY JUSTICE, so help me God."
Interesting… the Constitution is first mentioned. It doesn't say to support and defend the President. It says the Constitution. The same Constitution the Military Justice Act of 2016 clarified and supported our Founders for the first time in U.S. History.
Which is why Marbury vs. Madison, 1803, is vitally important. The case of Marbury vs. Madison established the principle of judicial review in the United States, meaning that American courts have the power to strike down laws and statutes that they find to violate the Constitution of the United States.
Ruling on Marbury vs. Madison, 1803:
The powers of the legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken or forgotten, the constitution is written. … Certainly all those who have framed written constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and paramount law of the nation, and consequently the theory of every such government must be, that an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void.
— Marbury, 5 U.S. at 176–77
Repugnant definition: unacceptable, in conflict with, and incompatible with.
The Military Justice Act of 2016 was written by the United States Supreme Court BEFORE the Courts - Judicial Branch, Congress - Legislative Branch, and Presidency - Executive Branch went under a Continuity of Government… and was not passed until the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act which is the Defense budget which would be a National Essential Function.
The MJA 2016 clarifies 3 major things that have not been clarified since the Foundation of Military:
1. Military Laws supersedes Civilian Laws.
2. President and Commander-in-Chief are separate.
3. Commander-in-Chief (Article II) is separate from Article III (Federal Government)
Meaning, the United States Military, can act without Congress supporting the Declaration of Independence which specially says:
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
Here the italics and Bold is in the original:
RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸, 6/15/23 5:43 PM UTC
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
It is their right and it is their duty to throw off such Government…
Their = future tense and generations to come.
Right = capitalized.
Right definition = restore to normal, upright position.
Duty definition = a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.
Alter definition = change or cause to change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.
Abolish definition = formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution).
There's soooo many "Laws" from 1871 to present day that are repugnant to the Constitution and even some before it. This is a cleanout of the globalist elites who've put a bag over heads for many years. Stop defending them. Everything above and below is to help you, not hurt you.
December 20, 2019, CIC Trump established the United States' 6th Branch of Military, the Space Force. On the same day, overshadowed by the Lamestream Media (though under a code, 47 U.S.Code 606), the Military's Court Martial handbook was modified and also for the first time since its establishment in 1950, the Uniform Code of Military Justice was reissued with new strict guidelines. Which by the way, if it's all "nonsense" garbage… How come "Biden" has never spoken or stuttered the words 'Space Force'? And how come the United States Army and Navy transferred ALL Communications to the Space Force in August and December 2022? How come the Army's transferring the Missile Warning System to the Space Force? Oh the irony that Article II of the Constitution, the Commander-in-Chief clause that the Military Justice Act of 2016 clarifies is separate from Article III (Federal Government), says the President is CIC of the Army and Navy, and ohhhhhhhh even more the irony that Donald John Trump established the Space Force as the 6th Branch of Military and Stammering Joe cannot even mention the words Space Force in 2.5 years… yet he's "CIC?" LOL
On March 13, 2020, CIC DJT declared a National Emergency with Proclamation 9994, and on March 27, 2020, he Federalized 1 MILLION Reserve Components to Active-Duty. That is a DIRECT MILITARY ORDER from the Commander-in-Chief. Donald John Trump is not the Commander-in-Chief of the People. He is the Commander-in-Chief of the Military. That is a DIRECT ORDER.
On March 30, 2020, CIC DJT held a major Press Conference on "Covid" in which he told the whole damn world what his 'jab' was… 36 million doses of Hydroxychloroquine and 1 million doses of Chloroquine administered to the Government and Hospitals and said more would come. ORIGIN matters. It's not my fault no one would listen to us that knew. And it's not my fault your Hospital CEOs, Boards, and Doctors wouldn't take a stand for the Laws and Orders in place. Welcome to Crimes Against Humanity… also found in these "nonsense" dot GOV sites.
As long as Donald John Trump is doing the 3 S's of the Military: Showering, Shaving, and Shi….g, he holds that command. However, not only was it a direct order, but he also put it in Executive Order 13912… and has 4 codes in it: 10 U.S. Code 12302, and 3 from Title 14, that specifically call into duty (when enacted / invoked) all Ready Reserves and retired, prior service, and officers of the Coast Guard.
And as of June 15, 2023, the Federal Register shows Proclamation 9994 as terminated, yet, does not list a President under it as ALL National Emergencies do in the FR. Because #HeAint.
March 2020 made CIC DJT a Wartime President. When he says, "if they're going to investigate me, they must investigate every President before me, immediately." That's because he used EVERY Law placed by other Presidents and Congresses… Those Laws allowed him to pass and sign those under his Presidency.
Here the underlining is in the original:
RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸, 6/15/23 5:43 PM UTC
More specifically, he used 50 United States Code Chapter 33 Section 1541… which is the same 50 U.S. Code and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Which is the same 50 U.S. Code where the Espionage Act of 1917 was listed before being moved to 18 U.S. Code. Now just why would Congress move that code to a Crime and Criminal Procedure section? Blackmail? Setting up a Commander-in-Chief who got out of the boundaries of their Federal Corporation Agenda?
December 2020… I have a picture of CIC Trump speaking to a room full of the massive team who he was recognizing for their work on the 'Russia Collusion' case which was all a facade because when you know we're under a COG and Military Occupancy… those were all parts of the movie to expose the treason and frauds of the Swamp. The picture is the one of the last pictures of CIC Trump in front of the Flags with zero Gold Fringes.
Next time you saw him in January 2021… there were 17 Gold Fringe Flags behind him. Amazing how there're 17 Military and Military related agencies out of 21 on… you know the "nonsense" about the new Gold Standard we're going back to with his speeches, "America's Golden Age is just ahead" and you got that state Texas, that isn't that big of a deal, they'd only break the back of the United States if they left the union and went back to the Republic they were…, yeah, they're going to the Gold Backed Digital Currency on September 1, 2023, but those Flags were just a "symbol" and "nonsense."
Then on January 20, 2021, with the whole world watching, whoever had a Black Box witnessed the most beautiful sight ever… oh wait, "nonsense" sight ever… via the OFFICIAL Presidential Salute Battery known as the Old Guard, the 3rd Infantry Regiment… were with DONALD JOHN TRUMP at Joint Base Andrews with the traditional and Military Customs 4 cannons, 21 Guns which is a 21 Gun Salute and Presidential Inauguration.
Meanwhile, the Lamestream Media, under 47 U.S. Code 606, shows two different "Biden" films… one recorded and one live due to those stragglers who would get close… but what perfection of planning… the "Covid Inauguration" where they didn't have ANY civilians… who swore in at 11:47 AM EST which is a violation of the 20th Amendment of the Constitution… that same Constitution specified in the Oath of Military Service… freakin' weird, right?
Then the dang NBC straight up lies to all their viewers that JRB Jr. is receiving a 21 Gun Salute in their Closed-Caption on screen for 3rd graders to create a distraction from what was right in front of everyone… not to mention one of the Fox channels specifically says "21 Gun Salute fired BEFORE President Biden and Harris arrive"… Now……… if that fool got 81 million votes by sitting in his basement in his whitie tighties and only pulling 20 cars at speeches before the election… why in the hell couldn't he watch his "salute"? Do you really believe the Mainstream Media would allow such if they weren't under Military Control and Code? Do you honestly believe they wouldn't blow the whistle? Do you honestly believe that NO ONE knew that 3 Cannons was a Funeral Service?
I mean, it's only found on one of the most sacred places in the United States' website…Arlington National Cemetery dot Mil… one of those dadgum official dot Military sites… a 21 Gun Salute is NOT to be confused with the firing of 3 Volleys.
3 Cannons = Military Funeral Honors.
On January 20, 2021, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. received a Military Funeral Service.
Now when you take ALL of the above which are straight up Military Laws, Orders, Regulations, and Customs… Now let's look at the Miami Federal Courthouse which is shaped like a vessel aka a ship…
Admiralty Law = Admiral = Navy = Nautical = Water = Law of Nautical Matters = Maritime Law = Gold Fringed Flags = Admiralty Courts.
Not to mention, but to mention, there's 3 key things that pair with his "if they're going to investigate me, they must investigate every President before me, immediately" quote:
1. Presidential Records Act of 1978
RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸, 6/15/23 5:43 PM UTC
Executive Privilege
3. Executive Order 13489
CIC Donald John Trump has every right to any Documents, ESPECIALLY during a time of WAR. The problem is… MAJORITY of Americans know NOTHING about our Laws and Orders and want to insert their opinions and cast judgment instead of VOTING for these things as they've been written and legislated through the years.
As a Senator and Vice President, Joseph Robinette dog pony soldier boy, all the kids wanted to touch his golden hairy legs in the pool, Biden Jr. did NOT have those privileges as Senator and Vice President, and ALL of the Documents found as his multiple locations, but especially the Corvette, were taken while he was Senator and VP…
The Presidential Records Act speaks for itself… the documents JRBJR took as a Senator… does not qualify under this Act. And those he took as VP does not fall under the EO 13489.
EO 13489 was signed by Obama on January 21, 2009, which also clarifies Executive Privilege as well as addressing NARA. How many times have you heard CIC DJT say the terms NARA? If you've paid attention, MULTIPLE times. There's your Comms.
EO 13849:
If "Biden" was President… how come he does not invoke Executive Privilege? I mean, that's what the damn words mean… Privilege of the Executive Branch which would cover Presidents and Vice Presidents.
Now let's look at GRAND SLAM of what happened this week with the "arraignment" of CIC DJT… This chess game just got freakin' epic. Such a brilliant strategy by using the Espionage Act which is what they're "accusing" him of… with 37 Counts.
Espionage Act:
It was intended to prohibit interference with military operations or recruitment, to prevent insubordination in the military, and to prevent the support of United States enemies during wartime.
How come no one goes to the Origin? lol This Act stemmed from the Defense Secrets Act of 1911, which was one of the first laws in the U.S. for criminalizing the disclosure of government secrets. The language of the 1911 act, especially the notion of information 'relating' to the 'national defense' being obtained or delivered to 'those not entitled to receive it', was retained through subsequent American secrecy laws, including the Espionage Act of 1917 and the McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950. Many later Espionage Act cases, for example Gorin v. United States, involved arguments about the exact meaning of terms like 'national defense'.
But Gorin was not a freakin' Commander-in-Chief operating under a Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government. HUGE difference.
Thomas Paine in 1777 published information from the Committee of Secret Correspondence about France's aid to the American revolutionary war effort; he was simply fired. Alexis de Tocqueville also commented on the casual nature in which he was given original documents into his permanent possession just by asking for them. The storage of documents was haphazard as well.
T-Paine and Tune Toc (if you don't get the references, you did not have friends who listened to Rap) were not freakin' Commander-in-Chiefs operating under a Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government. HUGE difference, yet again.
Did you not read and apply the types of Documents that were unsealed that CIC Trump "had"… Continuity of Operations Plan with Military (COOP) which are found in the Federal Continuity Directives for the Continuity of Government?
They're publicly telling the whole world there's a Military Occupancy with a Military Operation via Continuity of Operation Plan (COOP) that's been taking place LOL
Do you really believe that Donald John Trump has interfered with Military Operations or recruitment? LOL
He federalized 1 Million National Guard to Active-Duty, whether the order expired or not (for sake of argument), no matter how you slice that pie, we're still under Continuity of Government because the FCDs outline so, which means we're still under a Military Occupancy as the operating entity.
RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸, 6/15/23 5:43 PM UTC
Do you really believe that Donald John Trump supports or supported our enemies? LOL With a $770 Billion dollar defense budget, never started ANY wars, talks about ending defense contractors and lobbyists because they make excuses to keep us in stupid wars, Sword Ceremony in Saudi Arabia, walked into North Korea - FIRST President to do so and didn't start a Nuclear War, he dropped the MOAB on Afghanistan, wiped out the Caliphate and destroyed ISIS, and the list can continue, established the Abraham Accords aka Peace in the Middle East - Oh ye of short memories.
Insubordination definition: defiance of authority; refusal to obey orders.
Insubordination LOLOLOL as Commander-in-Chief, he is the Authority. He's the very top of the 'food chain' in the Chain of Command.
None of the other UNDER the Espionage Act applies when the premise of the Act is checked off. They're showing the whole world via the "Documents" that were shown that there's a Military Operation that's been taking place and it's all already in public information and view, one must critically think versus watch a 30 second TikTok video and also differentiate who's got your best interest versus ALL the podcasters out there wanting a platform for other reasons.
The other thing is… by allowing the Courts to take actual current and live Documents, that allows ALL Presidential Documents to be UNSEALED. Hence CIC DJT's truth that the "Seal" has been broken with "Seal" in quotations. Those people out there who think 'Q' is a 'Conspiracy Theory' and don't want to understand Military Intelligence and Comms. The Q Drops on the "Seal" to the day are mirror images written in 2018 and 2019.
There must be a 'value' put on learning the truth before documents are or have to be unsealed. Majority of Americans need to value, appreciate, and take pride in the Foundation of America. Which means Americans need to learn the difference in Politics and Government… and understand the line was drawn in the sand in 2016 by the United States Military Generals with a World Alliance who are in operations to obliterate the Deep State aka the Swamp to drain that political side where 'we the people' can take back our Government with Checks n' Balances our Founders put into place where it doesn't create this crap show effect of the multilayered divisions and splitting of hairs.
This isn't just another 4 years of Politics. Everyone's watching the most brilliant Chess game played, and it's all been planned for a LONG time, and the good guys are in control.
They literally just showed the whole world the Military's been in Operations with the COG now known as COOP which are found in the most recent issue of the FCDs, April 2023, consistent with DONALD JOHN TRUMP'S Executive Order 13961, the Federal Mission Resilience Strategy, that too, outlines National Essential Functions of the 3 Branches of Government
Time to wake up and start using the critical thinking of your brains again. #MakeBrainsStrongAgain 🇺🇸
Monday, September 4. 2023
The Patriot Voice hosts Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes.
LegeNet, 9/4/23 1:53 PM UTC
In reply to LegeNet
{ Click above for video. } |
Converted to still pic. video of Space
The Patriot Voice Host
The Patriot Voice hosts Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes @biz_shrink
2023-09-04 00:37:32 UTC
Twitter Space participated by Michael Rae Khoury, The Punisher, Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, Marjorie Taylor Greene Press Release (Parody), 🔥 Madam Punisher 🔥 #ITR 🔥 🇺🇸, ₭₳₲ ĐⱤØ₲Ø ⛈⛈⛈ɄⱠ₮Ɽ₳2ℚℚℚ🇺🇸, 1984, MissS -Silence Dobetter, Melody Jennings, 🔥PnkFlyd🔥, Rev 💃, SirCensorLot 😎, Kristin Marie
Duration: 01:38:28.00, 1280x720, this mirror skips the waiting up to 00:02:45 / 165 s, where it starts
Transcoded Size: 93 MiB / 97 308 351 bytes
Tuesday, August 29. 2023
LegeNet @LegeNet Aug 29, 2023, 9:33 AM UTC
Another one is "official secrets". They mean that officialdom must pretend to be ignorant of and must never see what everybody else knows, that officialdom must remain idiots.
The screen shot is:
Primo Radical 🌺 @PrimoRadical ( 4:21 PM · Aug 6, 2023 UTC (
(Now would be nice time for nice guys in gov to take down the bad actors.)
Friday, August 25. 2023
RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸, 8/25/23 1:36 PM UTC
RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸, 8/25/23 1:36 PM UTC
First, anyone who thinks this is a real mugshot is too stupid to lose IQ on. 💯
This is very well and strategically planned. If you’re still falling for “Trump got indicted” 👉🏻 you haven’t read anything via Laws and Orders or applied anything over the past year I’ve shown which are all aftermath visuals of those and address the “show me where” questions over and over and over.
Do you know where one of CIC Trump's last speeches was in January 2021?
👉🏻 Alamo, Texas, by the border wall on January 12, 2021.
👉🏻 Optic = Alamo.
Up until his return to Twitter now ‘X’, his last tweet was January 8, 2021.
His "Mugshot" isn't a mugshot. He's in a suit and tie. No height chart.
And he addresses the media, walking to the camera as a President.
His "Mugshot" says ELECTION INTERFERENCE which is addressing the Executive Order 13848 which has been extended two years in a row by "Biden" that was written September 12, 2018, which was TWO months before ANY Election under CIC Trump, which means the only evidence of EI they would have had was 2016 and prior.
That EO has a National Emergency in it and it's current and active to September 12, 2023, and must be addressed or a new order until addressed.
That's also why CIC Trump keeps Truthing "ELECTION INTERFERENCE" every single day multiples times a day for the past few months amping up to the deadline.
The key line in that Order cancels out our votes and January 6, 2021, as I’ve broken down many times before.
"We have it all, we've caught them all."
His "Mugshot" says NO SURRENDER!
Also funny how Texas is going to be the first state to go back to Gold Backed Currency on September 1st.
Oh the irony, #NOTTTTTTTTT
William Barret Travis, Lieutenant Colonel and Commander of the Alamo, who drew a line in the sand telling his men to pick a side.
Also known for his famous letter “Victory or Death.”
His famous last words at the Alamo were:
"No rendirse, muchachos!"
Don't surrender, boys! 🦾
All planned. Military Occupancy and COG 🇨🇱🇺🇸
RattleTrap 1776 🇺🇸, 8/25/23 1:53 PM UTC
Thursday, August 17. 2023
RFK Jr: “There has never been a time in history when the good guys have been the ones who are censoring people.”
LegeNet, 7/28/23 8:41 PM UTC
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊, 7/28/23 8:40 PM UTC
{ Click above for video. } |
RFK Jr: “There has never been a time in history when the good guys have been the ones who are censoring people.”
Oddly, YouTube censored and took down this very interview with RFK Jr. and James O'Keefe.
What does that say about YouTube?
This interview is unavailable on YouTube, but you can still watch it here:
Follow @VigilantFox 🦊
Rumble | Substack | Socials
Duration: 00:01:23.90, 1920x1080
Transcoded Size: 9.3 MiB / 9 671 608 bytes
Saturday, August 12. 2023
In Psychological Warfare you have Three Different Universes that the individual can live in.
LegeNet, 8/12/23 9:02 AM UTC
In reply to LegeNet
{ Click above for video. } |
In Psychological Warfare you have Three Different Universes that the individual can live in.
🔘 You have the collective objective universe, that's the universe that's real, that is actual the universe, The Divine Matrix.
🔘 Then you have what is called a personal subjective universe, that is where a person's subconscious mind is programmed in a way that affects their conscious mind and they perceive reality not as it is but as they are, as they think it is.
🔘 Then the last one is what is called the collective subjective universe. Where you have a group of these people that all believe in the same personal subjective universe.
Jake Angeli-Chansley aka. Jacob Chansley
Duration: 00:01:43.13, 1280x720
Transcoded Size: 5.7 MiB / 5 971 754 bytes
01:00:46.00 - 01:02:29.00 / 3646.00 - 3749.00 s out of LegeNet, 8/11/23 12:27 PM UTC with Jake Angeli-Chansley 💎 @AmericaShaman 6:09 PM · Aug 9, 2023 UTC.
Thursday, August 10. 2023
LegeNet, 8/10/23 4:37 PM UTC
{ Click above for video. } |
Defender of the Republic 🇺🇸, 8/10/23 5:39 AM UTC
Forwarded from Rev DQ 🇺🇸🐸🍿, 8/10/23 5:39 AM UTC { hidden account}
Duration: 00:01:57.53, 1280x720
Transcoded Size: 16 MiB / 16 139 581 bytes
Friday, August 4. 2023
Jan Halper-Hayes talking Trump bankrupting the US Corporation on GBNews. No wonder the corruptocracy do everything to thwart Trump.
LegeNet, 8/4/23 5:42 PM UTC
{ Click above for video. } |
Jan Halper-Hayes here from between 01:12:03 and 01:22:19 / 4323 - 4939 s in Breakfast with Stephen and Ellie | Thursday 3rd August, GBNews, Published Thu 03 Aug 2023 05:00:36 AM UTC, talking Trump bankrupting the US Corporation that’s been together with the Vatican & the Crown since 1871… Trump told the queen, “I’m ending this. We’re dissolving this corporation. We’re going to go back to being a republic & we’ll all be separate.” No wonder the corruptocracy do everything to thwart Trump.
Duration: 00:10:16.03, 1920x1080
Transcoded Size: 53 MiB / 54 885 778 bytes
Wednesday, August 2. 2023
It's all those people " only doing what's expected of them" who in the aggregate create tyranny. It had to be broken.
LegeNet, 8/2/23 8:30 AM UTC
{ Via Defender of the Republic 🇺🇸, 8/2/23 6:12 AM UTC }
Forwarded from Seth Keshel - "Captain K", 8/2/23 2:18 AM UTC
American politics would have marched on at a status quo indefinitely until the sovereignty of the nation was surrendered slowly, but surely, to the global agenda.
What you are observing now is the backlash to the Presidency of the one who slipped through cracks.
I'm tired of people playing in black and white, trying to call balls and strikes on a conservative/liberal agenda scale, when in reality, Trump is the only man who could have accelerated the enemy to the point of fracture.
Napoleon said "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
Trump deserves the gratitude of all Americans for stepping up into this place in history.
Jollyasfuck, 8/2/23 6:36 AM UTC
In reply to Defender of the Republic 🇺🇸, 8/2/23 6:12 AM UTC
What the Communist, the cabal, media, never Trumpers do { is don't intended?} get. What MAGA voters stand for, the values, the morals……45 didn't create that, it was here long before 45. No what he did was bring us together, stand up for us and give us a voice again. He is us, we are him. TCSWC cause, they think it's just 45 they have no fuckin clue the beast that stalks them.
LegeNet, 8/2/23 8:32 AM UTC
In reply to Defender of the Republic 🇺🇸, 8/2/23 6:12 AM UTC
It's all those people " only doing what's expected of them" who in the aggregate create tyranny. It had to be broken.
LegeNet, 8/2/23 8:32 AM UTC
In reply to LegeNet
It's all those people " only doing what's expected of them" who in the aggregate create tyranny. It had to be broken.
LegeNet, 8/2/23 9:05 AM UTC
In reply to LegeNet
[ File : Covid_was_only_the_revealing_event__
like_the_litmus_in_an_acid_test__2x1__landscape.pdf ]
"Covid was only the revealing event, like the litmus in an acid test."
Excerpt in 2x1 landscape PDF form from Irène Lhoste, The European Union Technocracy, Bureaucrats and the Theft of Democracy—an EU civil servant’s account, Monday, 3rd July 2023, 2023-07-03T16:17:11+01:00, , .
The above excerpt inline:
"Covid was only the revealing event, like the litmus in an acid test."
" What happens ‘in a crisis’ instead
Admittedly, the ‘normal’ decision-making procedure has its limits and caveats. Its official appellation (“Ordinary Legislative Procedure”), however, is not to say that it is what happens by default.
Normal only applies in normal times—and times are rarely normal. Crises, on the other hand, benefit from very different rules. Take the Covid ‘crisis’. None of the laws and rules adopted during this period, whether at national or EU level, followed the formalities explained above. In the name of ‘efficiency’, ‘urgency’, ‘cutting red tape’, ‘saving lives’, ‘acting decisively’, etc., all sorts of corners were cut—mostly the good ones, the ones that are supposed to ensure transparency and accountability and keep alight the feeble flame of democracy.
No impact assessment was carried out; no open call for tender was held when contracting the pandemic ‘counter-measures’, including the vaccines. Everything was suddenly exclusively top-down, and the EU public administration—like any other national administration in Europe, the UK, US, and everywhere else—just followed religiously the instructions received from the political level.
To the outside observer for whom things are clear and whose mind is made up that this was a hoax pandemic, it may seem inconceivable that so many people—the EU administration being calculated at around 32,000 people, including those from the executive agencies (i.e., not including entities such as the EMA, Frontex or Europol)—could blindly follows orders that today, at the remove of just a couple of years, seem so unequivocally absurd, deceitful and harmful towards people.
Part of the explanation for this evident failure lies in the fact that in reality, out of this huge administration, only a handful of people deal with any given subject. Not even the Commission’s entire Directorate-General for Health (DG SANTE)—which is based far away from Brussels in County Meath—was involved in this; only a task force under one of the units of one of the Directorates worked directly on the job.
Moreover, as is often the way in sensitive situations, the Commission does not employ its own experienced civil servants with deep expertise in the matter, but ad-hoc contractual agents, drafted in to a grade outranking the civil servants, to carry out the task in hand. These are people hired on a short-term contract and not with the best salary. They would carry out any task without asking any question or putting two and two together, just to please their boss, to make sure the contract gets extended so that they can continue to have a job. Among the managerial class, it is a foregone conclusion that the individuals who achieve senior positions will be careerists who long since decided to sacrifice any moral backbone for the benefit of a promotion. So nobody will speak and everyone will avert their gaze rather than jeopardise their yearning to climb the greasy pole.
The creeping corruption in the system
Having inhabited the system for a while, I have formed my own theory about how such a gargantuan failure was possible. The culprit is half human corruption, half incompetence. This modus operandi did not wait for a massive blow like the Covid pandemic to strike in order to take shape inside the EU bureaucracy. Covid was only the revealing event, like the litmus in an acid test." (Irène Lhoste, The European Union Technocracy, Bureaucrats and the Theft of Democracy—an EU civil servant’s account, Monday, 3rd July 2023, 2023-07-03T16:17:11+01:00, , .)
Tuesday, July 25. 2023
Wyatt 💎 @austerrewyatt1 4:09 AM · Jul 25, 2023 UTC
Q Post 3474 was posted July 24th 2019, and is the lone Q post containing the word "chef" within it.
Today Obama's chef was found dead "paddleboarding".
4 year delta to the day.
Witness protection?
We,ThePissedOffAmericans @cburks2525 · 4h
So weird. I do not understand how this is possible. Will someone think this thru and post a theory as to how 4 years ago Q had foreknowledge of this chef dying?
Wyatt 💎 @austerrewyatt1 · 4h
The below text is on how the capturing of the minds was done from 1965 in China, since infiltrated & executed from inside the institutions of the west, many of which that have by now been made into weapons of war against We The People. When these organizations block "hate speech" and the like, they are actually blocking speech that may break through the continued infiltration and complete overtake of the west. I.e., censoring "hate speech" is a weapon of war in the currently ongoing 5:th Generation (global) Unrestricted War #5GUW. Just like in China, the most controlled have very fragile minds, hence the "safe spaces", etc..
Lin Biao's Curse of Trans!
He built the Weapon!
clif high
PDF: Lin Biao's Curse of Trans! PDF, 2x1 landscape
PDF: Lin Biao's Curse of Trans! PDF, standard